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- 中華民國環境工程學會2019空氣污染控制技術研討會優秀論文獎(陳怡君、陳宏庠、陳谷汎、林家驊),2019。
- 國立暨南國際大學傑出研究教師獎,2019。
- 教育部108年度延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵,2019。
- 科技部107年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵,2018。
- 科技部106年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵,2017。
- 教育部資深環境安全衛生業務主管獎勵,2017。
- 科技部105年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵,2016。
- 中華民國環境工程學會2016土壤與地下水研討會優秀論文獎(劉智禎、陳谷汎、彭彥彬、吳雅竹、洪毅翔),2016。
- 科技部,「產學成果海報展示優良獎」,以工業廢棄物鹼活化過硫酸鹽整治受含氯有機物污染之地下水104-2918-I-260 -001),2016。
- 科技部104年度補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究,2015。
- 財團法人徐有庠先生紀念基金會第十三屆有庠科技論文獎-綠色科技類,2015。
- 國立暨南國際大學傑出研究教師獎,2015。
- Chang, Y.C., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F.*, Chen, T.Y.*, Tang, C.T., 2022. The effect of different in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) technologies on the survival of indigenous microbes and the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 163, 105-115. (IF: 6.158; Engineering, Chemical 22/143)
- Chen, Y.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, K.Y.A., Chen, J.K., Jiang, X.Y., Lin, C.H.*, 2022. The nephrotoxic potential of polystyrene microplastics at realistic environmental concentrations. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 427, 127871. (IF: 10.588; Environmental Sciences 10/274)
- Dao, K.C., Yang, C.C., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P., 2022. Effect of operational parameters on the removal of carbamazepine and nutrients in a submerged ceramic membrane bioreactor. Membranes, 12, 420.
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, Chen, T.Y., Chen, H.H., Chen, W.Y., Mao, Y.C., 2022. Development of novel persulfate tablets for passive trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater remediation. Chemosphere, 295, 133906. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Chen, W.T., Chen, K.F., Surmpalli, R.Y., Zhang, T.C., Ou, J.H., Kao, C.M.*, 2021. Bioremediation of trichloroethylene-polluted groundwater using emulsified castor oil for slow carbon release and acidification control. Water Environment Research, 94, e1673. (IF: 1.946; Limnology 11/21)
- Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P., Lai, C.H.*, Xiang, Y.K., Chuang, K.Y., Zhu, Z.H., 2021. Human health-risk assessment based on chronic exposure to the carbonyl compounds and metals emitted by burning incense at temples. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 40640-40652. (IF: 4.223; Environmental Sciences 91/274)
- Nguyen, T.T., Chen, H.H., To, T.H., Chang, Y.C., Tsai, C.K., Chen, K.F.*, and Tsai, Y.P.*, 2021. Development of biochars derived from water bamboo (Zizania latifolia) shoot husks using pyrolysis and ultrasound-assisted pyrolysis for the treatment of Reactive Black 5 (RB5) in wastewater. Water, 13, 1615. (IF: 3.103, Water Resources 39/98)
- Chen, Y.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, J.H., Huang, S.W., Chen, H.H., Lin, K.Y.A., Lin, C.H.*, 2021. The impact of pyrolysis temperature on physicochemical properties and pulmonary toxicity of tobacco stem micro-biochar. Chemosphere, 263, 128349. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Peng, Y.P.*, Liu, C.C., Chen K.F., Huang, C.P., Chen, C.H., 2021. Green synthesis of nano-silver–titanium nanotube array (Ag/TNA) composite for concurrent ibuprofen degradation and hydrogen generation. Chemosphere, 264, 128407. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Chen, Y.C., Lin, K.Y.A., Chen, K.F., Jiang, X.Y., Lin, C.H.*, 2021. In vitro renal toxicity evaluation of copper-based metal–organic framework HKUST-1 on human embryonic kidney cells. Environmental Pollution, 273, 116528. (IF: 8.071; Environmental Sciences 23/274)
- Yang, C.C., Dao, K.C., Lin, Y.S., Cheng, T.Y., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2021. Impacts of mixing mode on photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium over titanium dioxide nanomaterial under various environmental conditions. Water, 13(16), 2291. (IF: 3.103, Water Resources 39/98)
- Peng, Y.P., Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, Wang, C.H., 2020. A field pilot-scale study on heavy metal-contaminated soil washing by using an environmentally friendly agent—poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 34760-34769. (IF: 4.223; Environmental Sciences 91/274)
- Dao, K.H., Yang, C.C., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2020. Recent trends in removal pharmaceuticals and personal care products by electrochemical oxidation and combined systems. Water, 12, 1043. (IF: 3.103, Water Resources 39/98)
- Peng, Y.P.*, Peng, L.C., Chen, K.F., Chen, C.H., Chang, K.L., Chen, K.S., Dang, Z., Lu, G.N., Sun, J., 2020. Degradation of trichloroethylene by photoelectrochemically activated persulfate. Chemosphere, 254, 126796. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Hsiao, V.K.S.*, Cheng, T.Y., Chen, C.F., Shiu, H., Yu, Y.J., Tsai, C.F., Lai, P.C., Tsai, M.C., Yang, C.C., Chien, H.Y., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P., 2020. Optimized LED-integrated agricultural facilities for adjusting the growth of water bamboo (Zizania latifolia). Applied Sciences-Basel, 10, 1330. (IF: 2.679; Engineering, Multidisciplinary 38/90)
- Peng, Y.P. Chen, T.Y., Wu, C.Y., Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, 2019. Dispersant-modified iron nanoparticles for mobility enhancement and TCE degradation: a comparison study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 34157-34166. (IF: 4.223; Environmental Sciences 91/274)
- Chen, Y.C., Lin, K.Y.A., Lu, T.Y., Lin, Y.H., Lin, C.H.*, Chen, K.F.*, 2019. Photoinduced antibacterial activity of NRC03 peptide-conjugated dopamine/nano-reduced graphene oxide against Staphylococcus aureus. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 18, 2442-2448. (IF: 3.982; Biophysics 22/71)
- Chen, Y.C., Lin, C.H., Lung S.C.C., Chen, K.F., Wang, W.C.V., Chou, C.T., Lai, C.H.*, 2019. Environmental concentration of spray paint particulate matters causes pulmonary dysfunction in human normal bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cell. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 126, 250-258. (IF: 6.158; Engineering, Chemical 22/143)
- Sun, J., Xu, W., Cai, B., Huang, G., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Y.*, Chang, K., Chen, K., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F., 2019. High-concentration nitrogen removal coupling with bioelectric power generation by a self-sustaining algal-bacterial biocathode photo-bioelectrochemical system under daily light/dark cycle. Chemosphere, 222, 797-809. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Sun, J., Xu, W., Yang, P., Li, N., Yuan, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Ning, X., Zhang, Y.*, Chang, K.L., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F., 2019. Enhanced oxytetracycline removal coupling with increased power generation using a self-sustained photo-bioelectrochemical fuel cell. Chemosphere, 221, 21-29. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Sun, J., Xu, W, Yang, P., Yaun, Y., Zhang, H., Ning, X., Zhang, Y.*, Chang, K.L., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F., 2019. Enhancing the performance of photo-bioelectrochemical fuel cell using graphene oxide/cobalt/polypyrrole composite modified photo-biocathode in the presence of antibiotic. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 1919-1929. (IF: 5.816, Chemistry, Physical 41/162)
- Chou, C.C., Yang, C.C., Lu, M.S., Hu, L.Y., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2019. The influence of temperature on metabolisms of phosphorus accumulating organisms in biological wastewater treatment plants in the presence of Cu(II) toxicity. Applied Sciences-Basel, 9, 1126. (IF: 2.679; Engineering, Multidisciplinary 38/90)
- Chen, Y.C., Sawettanun, S., Chen, K.F., Lee, C.Y., Yan, J., Chen, H.H., Chen, G.W., Lin, C.H.*, 2019. Enhanced efficient NIR photothermal therapy using pleurocidin NRC-03 peptide-conjugated dopamine-modified reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite. ACS Omega, 4(2), 3298–3305. (IF: 3.512; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 78/178)
- Lin, C.C., Peng, Y.P., Tsai, Y.P., Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, 2018. Impact and control of reflected noise from an overpass bottom. Applied Sciences-Basel, 8, 1908. (IF: 2.217; Physics, Applied 67/148)
- Chen, H., Peng, Y.P.*, Chen, T.Y., Chen, K.F., Chang, K.L., Dang, Z., Lu, G.N., He, H., 2018. Enhanced photoelectrochemical degradation of Ibuprofen and generation of hydrogen via BiOI-deposited TiO2 nanotube arrays. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 1198-1205. (IF: 7.963; Environmental Sciences 25/274)
- Yang, C.C., Doong, R.A., Chen, K.F., Chen, G.S., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2018. The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by green semiconductor films that is induced by irradiation by a light emitting diode and visible light. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 68(1), 29-38. (IF: 2.235; Environmental Sciences 189/274)
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, T.Y., Tsai, Y.P., Chen, K.F.*, 2018. Remediation of trichloroethene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater by persulfate oxidation: a field-scale study. RSC Advances, 8(5), 2433-2440. (IF: 3.361; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 81/178)
- Sun, J.*, Cai, B., Xu, W., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Peng, Y.P., Chang, K.L. Kuo, J., Chen, K.F., Ning, X., Liu, G., Wang, Y., Yang, Z., Liu, J., 2017. Enhanced bioelectricity generation and azo dye treatment in a reversible photo-bioelectrochemical cell by using novel anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS)/MnOx-doped polypyrrole film electrodes. Bioresource Technology, 225, 40-47. (IF: 6.669; Agricultural Engineering 1/13)
- Sheu, Y.T., Lien, P.J., Chen, K.F., Ou, J.H., Kao, C.M.*, 2016. Application of NZVI-contained emulsified substrate to bioremediate PCE-contaminated groundwater - A pilot-scale study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 304, 714-727. (IF: 8.355; Engineering, Chemical 6/138)
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Liu, K.Y., 2016. A kinetic and mechanistic study of the degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether using alkaline-activated persulfate oxidation. RSC Advances 6(79), 75578-75587. (IF: 3.049; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 68/172)
- Chen, H., Peng, Y.P.*, Chen, K.F., Lai, C.H., Lin, Y.C., 2016. Rapid synthesis of Ti-MCM-41 by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method towards photocatalytic degradation of oxytetracycline. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 44, 76-87. (IF: 3.556; Environmental Sciences 72/251)
- Sun, Z., Yang, L., Chen, K.F., Chen, G.W., Peng, Y.P., Chen, J.K., Suo, G., Yu, J., Wang*, W.C., Lin, C.H.*, 2016. Nano zerovalent iron particles induce pulmonary and cardiovascular toxicity in an in vitro human co-culture model. Nanotoxicology, 10, 881-890. (IF: 5.955; Toxicology 6/93)
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Chiou, W.T., 2016. Remediation of diesel-contaminated soil using in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and the effects of common oxidants on the indigenous microbial community: a comparison study. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 91, 1877-1888. (IF: 2.659; Engineering, Chemical 52/138)
- Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F.*, Lin, W.H., Chang, Y.C., Wu, F., 2016. A novel three-stage treatment train for the remediation of trichloroethylene-contaminated groundwater. RSC Advances 6(47), 41247-41260. (IF: 3.049; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 68/172)
- Chen, H.L., Chen, K.F., Lai, S.W., Dang, Z., Peng, Y.P.*, 2015. Photoelectrochemical oxidation of azo dye and generation of hydrogen via C-N co-doped TiO2 nanotube arrays. Separation and Purification Technology, 146,143-153. (IF: 5.107; Engineering, Chemical 14/138)
- Yan, C., Chen, K.F., Lai, C.H., Lai, S.W., Chang, Q, Peng, Y.P.*, 2014. Photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B by microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesized N-doped titanate nanotubes. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 26, 1505-1512. (IF: 3.556; Environmental Sciences 72/251)
- Chang, Y.C., Huang, S.C., Chen, K.F.*, 2014. Evaluation of the effects of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) dispersants on intrinsic biodegradation of trichloroethylene (TCE). Water Science and Technology, 69, 2357-2363. (IF: 1.624; Water Resources 58/91)
- Liang, S.H., Chen, K.F., Wu, C.S., Lin, Y.H., Kao, C.M.*, 2014. Development of KMnO4-releasing composites for in situ chemical oxidation of TCE-contaminated groundwater. Water Research, 54, 149-158. (IF: 7.913; Water Resources 1/91)
- Tsai, T.T., Liu, J.K., Chang, Y.M., Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, 2014. Application of polycolloid-releasing substrate to remediate trichloroethylene-contaminated groundwater: a pilot-scale study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 268, 92-101. (IF: 7.650; Environmental Sciences 12/251)
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Huang, S.C., 2012. Biodegradation potential of MTBE and BTEX under aerobic, nitrate reducing, and methanogenic conditions at a gasoline-contaminated site. Desalination and Water Treatment, 48, 278-284. (IF: 1.173; Engineering, Chemical 73/135)
- Chen, K.F., Yeh, T.Y.*, Hsu, Y.H., Chen, C.W., 2012. The phytoattenuation of the soil metal contamination: the effects of plant growth regulators (GA3 and IAA) by employing wetland macrophyte vetiver and energy plant sunflower. Desalination and Water Treatment, 45(1-3), 144-152 (IF: 1.173; Engineering, Chemical 73/135)
- Chen, K.F., Yeh, T.Y.*, Lin, C. F., 2012. Phytoextraction of Cu, Zn, and Pb enhanced by chelators with vetiver (Vetiveria zizaniodides): hydroponic and pot experiments. ISRN Ecology, 2012, Article ID 729693, 1-12.
- Chen, K.F., Yeh, T.Y., Kao, C.M.*, Sung, W.P., Lin, C.C., 2012. Application of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) to enhance microbial reductive dechlorination of TCE: A feasibility study. Current Nanoscience, 8(1), 55-59. (IF: 1.096; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 167/260)
- Yen, C.H., Chen, K.F.*, Sheu, Y.T., Lin, C.C., Horng, J.J., 2012. Pollution source investigation and water quality management in the Carp Lake Watershed, Taiwan. Clean-Soil Air Water, 40(1), 24-33. (IF: 1.945; Water Resources 23/83)
- Lin, Y.C., Lee, C.H., Lin, M.S., Yang, K.H.*, Chen, K.F., Pan, C.P., 2011. Pollutant trends and hazard ranking in the desalination area of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Desalination, 281, 159-164. (IF: 3.756; Water Resources 2/83)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Sung, W.P., Lin, C.C., Yeh, T.Y., 2011. Enhanced in situ anaerobic bioremediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater using nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI). Materials Science Forum, 694, 3-7. (EI)
- Chen, K.F., Li, S., Zhang, W.X.*, 2011. Renewable hydrogen generation by bimetallic zero valent iron nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 170(2-3), 562-567. (IF: 4.321; Engineering, Chemical 9/135)
- Yen, C.H., Chen, K.F.*, Kao, C.M., Liang, S.H., Chen, T.Y., 2011. Application of persulfate to remediate petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated soil: Feasibility and comparison with common oxidants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3), 2097-2102. (IF: 4.529; Engineering, Civil 2/125)
- Liang, S.H., Kao, C.M.*, Kuo, Y.C., Chen, K.F., Yang, B.M., 2011. In situ oxidation of petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater using passive ISCO system. Water Research, 45(8), 2496-2506. (IF: 5.528; Water Resources 1/83)
- Liang, S.H., Kao, C.M.*, Kuo, Y.C., Chen, K.F., 2011. Application of persulfate-releasing barrier to remediate MTBE and benzene contaminated groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 185(2-3), 1162-1168. (IF: 4.529; Engineering, Civil 2/125)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Chen, C.W., Surampalli, R.Y., Lee, M.S., 2010. Control of petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater by intrinsic and enhanced bioremediation. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 22(6), 864-871. (IF: 2.002; Environmental Sciences 98/223)
- Chen, K.F.*, Kao, C.M., Wu, L.C., Liang, S.H., 2009. MTBE degradation by ferrous iron-activated persulfate oxidation: feasibility and kinetics studies. Water Environment Research, 81(7), 687-694. (IF: 0.865; Water Resources 60/83)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Chen, T.Y., Weng, C.H., Tsai, C.T., 2006. Intrinsic bioremediation of MTBE-contaminated groundwater at a petroleum-hydrocarbon spill site. Environmental Geology, 50(3), 439-445. (IF: 1.127; Water Resources 1/78)
- Kao, C.M., Chen, K.F., Liu, C.K., Chou, S.M., Chen, S.C.*, 2006. Enzymatic degradation of nitriles by Klebsiella oxytoca. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 71(2), 228-233. (IF: 3.337; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 39/163)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Wang, J.Y., Chen, T.Y., Chien, C.C., 2005. Natural attenuation of MTBE at two petroleum-hydrocarbon spill sites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 125(1-3), 10-16. (IF: 4.529; Engineering, Civil 2/125)
- Chen, K.F.*, Huang, W.Y., Yeh, T.Y., Kao, C.M., Hou, F. 2005. Biodegradability of 2,4-dichlorophenol under different redox conditions. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 9(3), 141-146. (EI)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Hsieh, C.Y., Chen, S.C., Chen, Y. L., 2005. Natural biodegradation of MTBE under different environmental conditions: Microcosm and microbial identification studies. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 74, 356-364. (IF: 1.255; Environmental Sciences 146/223)
- Chen, K.F.*, Wu, L.C., Kao, C.M., Yang, G.C.C., Chen, T.Y., 2004. Application of health risk assessment to derive cleanup levels at a fuel-oil spill site. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 8(2), 99-104. (EI)
- Kao, C.M.*, Chen, K.F., Chen, Y.L., Chen, T.Y., Huang, W.Y., 2004. Biobarrier system for remediation of TCE-contaminated aquifers. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 72(1), 87-93. (IF: 1.255; Environmental Sciences 146/223)
- Kao, C.M., Chai, C.T., Liu, J.K., Yeh, T.Y., Chen, K.F., Chen, S.C.*, 2004. Evaluation of natural and enhanced PCP biodegradation at a former pesticide manufacturing plant. Water Research, 38, 663-672. (IF: 5.528; Water Resources 1/83)
- Kao, C.M*., Chen, K.F., Liao, Y.L., Chen, C.W., 2003. Water quality management in the Kaoping River watershed, Taiwan. Water Science and Technology, 47(7-8), 209-216. (IF: 1.106; Environmental Sciences 157/223)
- Kao, C.M.*, Wu, F.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, T.F., Yen, Y.E., Chiang, P.C., 2003. Pollutant sources investigation and remedial strategies development for the Kaoping River basin, Taiwan. Water Science and Technology, 48(7), 97-103. (IF: 1.106; Environmental Sciences 157/223)
- Kao, C.M.*, Wang, J.Y., Chen, K.F., Lee, H.Y., Wu, M.J., 2002. Non-point source pesticide removal by a mountainous wetland. Water Science and Technology, 46(6-7), 199-206. (IF: 1.106; Environmental Sciences 157/223)
- 武東星、蘇玉龍、劉一中、陳谷汎、陳松毅、蘇慧倚,世界綠色大學-暨大綠屋頂發電、中水回收,營建知訊459 期,2021。
- 彭彥彬、陳廷育、吳駿逸、張育禎,陳谷汎*,以Tween 系列界面活性劑加強奈米級零價鐵移動性之研究,土壤及地下水污染整治,第四卷,第三期,171-184,2017。
- 陳廷育、李文娟、彭彥彬、張育禎、陳谷汎*,高爐石去除水中偶氮染料技術之環境友善性提升,土壤及地下水污染整治,第四卷,第二期,115-124,2017。
- 彭彥彬、吳非、張育禎、盧桂寧、陳谷汎*,亞鐵活化過硫酸鹽降解偶氮染料Reactive Black 5機制之研究,土壤及地下水污染整治,第三卷,第三期,第211-219頁,2016。
- 張育禎、陳谷汎*,過硫酸鹽氧化法技術發展及污染整治應用,土壤及地下水污染整治,第二卷,第三期,第231-241頁,2015。
- Yu-Chen Chang, Hung-Hsiang Chen, Chia-Hua Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Treatment of gasoline- and chlorinated organic-contaminated groundwater using persulfate combined with biochar. The 2021 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 14th CESE Conference), 2021 (online).
- Hung-Hsiang Chen, Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Chang-Sheng Huang, Ku-Fan Chen*. Mechanisms of 1,4-Dioxane Removal by Using Platinum Electrode-activated Persulfate. The 2021 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 14th CESE Conference), 2021 (online).
- Dong-Sing Wuu, I-Chung Liu, Ku-Fan Chen, Chih-Chi Yang, Yung-Pin Tsai, Yu-Chu Feng. Enhancing National Chi Nan University campus’s ecological friendliness by creating a butterfly habitat using reclaimed water. The 7th International (Virtual) Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM 2021), August 24-26, 2021(online).
- Yu-Chen Chang, Ku-Fan Chen*, Yen-Ping Peng, Hung-Hsiang Chen, Ching-Hsiang Wang, Chang-Sheng Huang. Application of electrochemically activated persulfate for the treatment of organic wastewater. The 2020 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 13th CESE Conference), 2020 (online).
- Yen-Ping Peng, Yu-Chen Chang, Ku-Fan Chen*, Tzu-Chien Ning, Chang-Sheng Huang, Yi-Tang Liao. Evaluation of heavy metal removal efficiency from contaminated soil by green washing agent: taking γ-PGA as an example. The 2020 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 13th CESE Conference), 2020 (online).
- Ting-Yu Chen, Yu-Chen Chang, Ying-Chih Mao, Ku-Fan Chen*. Application of novel persulfate tablets for trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater remediation. The 2019 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 12th CESE Conference), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 3-7, 2019.
- Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Yi-Min Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Influences of chloride and carbonate on alkaline-activated persulfate for the degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane and trichloroethylene. The 2019 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 12th CESE Conference), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 3-7, 2019.
- Ku-Fan Chen, Chih-Chi Yang, Yuhlong Oliver Su*, Yung-Pin Tsai. NCNU’s collaboration with the neighborhood to create a green economy. The 5th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric, Cork, Ireland, April 14-16, 2019.
- Yen-Ping Peng, Yu-Chen Chang, Ching Hsiang Wang, Chang-Sheng Huang, Yi-Tang Liao, Ku-Fan Chen*. A field pilot-scale study on heavy metal-contaminated soil washing by using an environmental friendly agent-polyglutamic acid. The 2018 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 11th CESE Conference), Bangkok, Thailand, November 4-8, 2018.
- Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Yi-Min Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Effect of chloride and carbonate on the removal of chlorinated organics by alkaline-activated persulfate. The 2018 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 11th CESE Conference), November 4-8, 2018.
- Chih-Chi Yang, Yung-Pin Tsai*, Jan-Wei, Hao Shiu, Jhih-Shen Wei, Ku-Fan Chen. Development of green Shui Sha Lian: water environment exploration and water quality purification action in Taomi ecological village. International Conference on University Social Responsibility, Nantou, Taiwan, April 28, 2018.
- Yuhlong Oliver Su*, Ku-Fan Chen, Yung-Pin Tsai, Hui-I Su. How universities can work together with local communities to create a green, sustainable future. The 4th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric, Semarang, Indonesia, April 8-10, 2018.
- Yu-Chen Chang, Ting-Yu Chen, Yung-Pin Tsai, Yen-Ping Peng, Yi-Min Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Mechanism of removal of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and trichloroethylene (TCE) by alkaline-activated persulfate. The 2017 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 10th CESE Conference), Kunming, China, November 11-15, 2017.
- Chi-Chwen Lin, Yung-Pin Tsai, Yen-Ping Peng, Yu-Chen Chang, Chun-Yi Wu, Ku-Fan Chen*. Tween surfactant-modified nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) for reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene (TCE). The 2017 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 10th CESE Conference), Kunming, China, November 11-15, 2017.
- Wan-Chun Lin, Yi-Ching Lin, Ku-Fan Chen, Yen-Ping Peng*, Ling-Chen Peng. Photoelectrochemical degradation of PPCPs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Sulfamethoxazole) via Cu2O coated titanium nanotube arrays. The 2017 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 10th CESE Conference), Kunming, China, November 11-15, 2017.
- Yuhlong Oliver Su, I-Chung Liu, Ku-Fan Chen, Yen-Tsung Chang. Green NCNU in the heart of Taiwan. The 3rd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric, Istanbul, Turkey, April 10-11, 2017.
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Tang, C.T. Effect of different in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) technologies on soil microorganisms and diesel removal. The 2016 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (The 9th CESE Conference), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 6-10, 2016.
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.* Application of different persulfate oxidation processes to remediate trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater: a field-scale study. The 2016 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (The 9th CESE Conference), November 6-10, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2016.
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.* Development of low-cost reactive barriers using bamboo charcoal to remediate organic compound contaminated groundwater. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, October 9-14, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2016.
- 彭彥彬、陳谷汎*、邱揚能、林易靜,碘氧化鉍改質TiO2電極之光電化學特性分析,第六屆海峽兩岸環境保護會議-泉州論壇,Fujian,China,8/3-8/9,2016。
- 彭彥彬、陳谷汎*、林韋翰、毛英智、張育禎,以過硫酸鹽為基礎之新穎整治列車處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水,第六屆海峽兩岸環境保護會議-泉州論壇,Fujian,China,8/3-8/9,2016。
- 張育禎、王靖翔、黃長升、陳谷汎*,以不同電極活化過硫酸鹽去除水中有機物之研究,2019土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台中,11/22-11/23,2019。
- 賴嘉祥*、項堯楷、楊智其、陳谷汎、蔡勇斌、林家驊,寺廟焚香產生之重金屬與醛酮類化合物對工作人員之健康危害風險比較,2019空氣污染控制技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台中,11/22-11/23,2019。(優秀論文獎)
- 陳怡君、陳宏庠、陳谷汎、林家驊*,聚苯乙烯塑膠微粒對人類正常肺細胞之毒性效應評估,2019空氣污染控制技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台中,11/22-11/23,2019。(優秀論文獎)
- 彭彥彬、黃長升、王靖翔、張育禎、陳谷汎*,環境友善型聚麩胺酸清洗受重金屬污染土壤之模場試驗,2018土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/16-11/17,台南,2018。
- 彭彥彬*、彭羚榛、陳谷汎、劉元涵,利用二氧化鈦奈米管陣列光電化學催化過硫酸鹽降解三氯乙烯,2018廢水處理技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會, 11/16-11/17,台南,2018。
- 陳怡君、林家驊、周政泰、賴嘉祥、陳谷汎,廠區環境濃度噴漆懸浮微粒誘發人類肺支氣管上皮細胞相關肺毒性之研究,2018空氣污染控制技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,甭11/16-11/17,台南,2018。
- 楊智其、蔡勇斌、馮郁筑、徐顥、魏志昇、陳谷汎*,營造綠色水沙連:蜈蚣社區生態調查與水環境改善行動,2018 USR X CSR大學社會責任與企業社會責任研討會,世新大學,台北,5/10,2018。
- 劉智禎、陳谷汎、彭彥彬*、吳雅竹、洪毅翔,以綠色技術合成銀摻雜二氧化鈦奈米管陣列電極進行光電化學方法降解布洛芬,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。(優秀論文獎)
- 王瑋晨、陳谷汎、彭彥彬*、林婉淳,以綠色技術合成摻鈀二氧化鈦奈米管陣列電極進行光電化學方法降解甲基橙,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。
- 毛英智、林翊民、張育禎、陳谷汎*,緩釋型綠色過硫酸鹽整治藥錠之研發,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。
- 林翊民、毛英智、張育禎、陳谷汎*,鹼活化過硫酸鹽氧化法對含氯有機物去除成效及機制評估,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。
- 劉冠余、林翊民、張育禎、陳威羽、陳谷汎*,以鹼活化過硫酸鹽氧化法處理受甲基第三丁基醚及1,2-二氯乙烷污染地下水之研究,2015土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,桃園,11/13-11/14,2015。
- 陳谷汎、蔡勇斌、張育禎、楊智其、廖宜塘、陳宏庠,生物炭製造方法,台灣 (2020起申請中)。
- 陳谷汎、 蔡勇斌、張育禎、楊智其、甯鍶蒨、陳怡君,污水整治藥錠及其製造方法,I747680,2021/11/21-2040/12/22,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、劉冠余、張育禎,一種提升pH值加強含氯有機物降解之氧化法,I570071,2017/02~2034/01,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、陳威羽、吳庭年、張育禎,運用於受污染之水中長效型過硫酸鹽整治藥錠製成方法,I545088,2016/8/11-2035/6/10,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、張育禎,一種兼具吸附性、氧化性及活化性之水中污染物處理方法,I427041,2014/2/21-2031/1/5,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、張育禎、邱婉婷、黃聖智、許藝騰,以不同氧化劑結合生物復育法處理受污染土壤之方法,I439427,2014/6/1-2031/12/14,台灣。
- 高志明、許藝騰、陳谷汎、郭育嘉、史倫柏立洛、陳敬遠、陳博明,用以吸附及分解有機污染物之緩釋型複合基質,I460010,2014/11/11-2033/6/16,台灣。
- 高志明、陳谷汎、廖毓鈴、陳秋妏,一種具有持續釋放氧氣功能的人造釋氧合成物,201007,2004/04/11-2021/10/21,台灣。
- 以工業廢棄物鹼活化過硫酸鹽整治受含氯有機物污染之地下水,2015/08 ~ 2018/07 (104-2622-E-260-003 -CC3)。
- 不同過硫酸鹽氧化法應用程序現地處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水之成效及影響評估,2014/08 ~ 2017/07 (103-2622-E-260-002-CC3)。
- 地下水中長效型過硫酸鹽整治藥錠之研發及應用可行性評估,2013/07 ~ 2016/07 (102-2622-E-260-002-CC3)。
- 發展以生物碳及過硫酸鹽為基礎之現地反應牆整治受石油碳氫化合物污染之地下水(101-2622-E-260-001-CC3),2012/07 ~ 2015/07。
- 以低價吸附劑結合過硫酸鹽氧化法處理受汽油污染之地下水:可行性及再利用之研究,2010/12 ~ 2013/11 (99-2622-E-260-004-CC3)。
- 過硫酸鹽氧化法結合生物復育法整治受油品污染之土壤 (NSC 98-2622-E-260-001-CC3),2009/08 ~ 2014/07。
- 以不同電極活化過硫酸鹽藥錠處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水之技術開發 109-2622-E-260 -002
- 以碳奈米材料結合近紅外光熱活化過硫酸鹽處理水中1,4-二氧陸圜之研究(109-2221-E-260 -007 -MY3)
- 地方創生、社群協力與大學社會責任:暨大營造「水沙連大學城」續階計畫(3/3) 110-2420-H-260 -004 -HS3
- 以碳奈米材料結合近紅外光熱活化過硫酸鹽處理水中1,4-二氧陸圜之研究(延攬博士後研究人才)
- 應用智慧監控與資源循環技術優化筊白筍生產環境--應用智慧監控與資源循環技術優化筊白筍生產環境(3/3) 109-2321-B-260 -001
- 鹼活化過硫酸鹽氧化法自由基生成物種及其對不同有機污染物去除機制之探討(103-2221-E-260 -001 -MY3)
- 不同過硫酸鹽氧化法應用程序現地處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水之成效及影響評估(103-2622-E-260-002-CC3)
- 預約水沙連的春天:宜居城鎮的轉型與治理(2/3) (103-2221-E-260 -001 -MY3)
- 麥寮廠區VCM廠地下水化學氧化(過硫酸鹽)模場試驗(2021)
- 轉爐石瀝青混凝土刨除料工程填方(基地、路堤填築)試辦計畫(2019-2021)
- 臺中市未登記工廠輔導委託專業服務案(2020)
- 地方創生、社群協力與大學社會責任:暨大營造「水沙連大學城」續階計畫(2/3) 109-2420-H-260 -004 -HS2
- 以長效型氧化劑結合厭氧生物復育試劑整治受三氯乙烯污染之地下水:整治列車成效及對場址影響綜合評估
- 噪音感受度調查及對健康影響之評估(EPA-103-U1FI-02-104)
- 地工織物與織布袋過濾污泥行為之研究(1/3-3/3)
- 不同過硫酸鹽活化系統對土壤微生物族群及石油碳氫化合物自然生物降解之影響:與過氧化氫及過錳酸鹽之比較(102-2221-E-260-001-)
- 地下水中長效型過硫酸鹽整治藥錠之研發及應用可行性評估(102-2622-E-260-002-CC3)
- 噪音感受度調查及對健康影響之評估(EPA-102-U1F1-02-104)
- 102學年度第2學期現代公民核心能力課程計畫—單一通識課程發展計畫(B類)
- 發展以生物碳及過硫酸鹽為基礎之現地反應牆整治受石油碳氫化合物污染之地下水(101-2622-E-260-001-CC3)
- 陸上運輸系統(高架道路橋面下聲音)噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究(EPA-101-U1F1-02-101)
- 教育部顧問室101學年度第1學期現代公民核心能力課程計畫
- 100-101年度中區區域教學資源計畫(公民素養融入專業課程)-環境工程(下)
- 公民素養陶塑計畫(公民素養融入通識課程)-環境保護導論
- 陸上運輸系統(高架段伸縮縫)低頻噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究(EPA-100-U1F1-02-101)
- 以低價吸附劑結合過硫酸鹽氧化法處理受汽油污染之地下水:可行性及再利用之研究(99-2622-E-260-004-CC3)
- 99年度國道噪音及交通環境噪音監測暨易發生噪音設施許可審查計畫
- 99學年度第1學期通識教育課程計畫(A類)-全球環境變遷與永續發展
- 生物旋轉盤系統處理廢污水之水質分析
- 高速鐵路隧道出口低頻噪音分析與影響之研究(EPA-99-U1F1-02-101)
- 以新穎釋氧化劑整治牆處理受汽油污染之地下水(NSC 98-2221-E-260- 004-)
- 過硫酸鹽氧化法結合生物復育法整治受油品污染之土壤(NSC 98- 2622-E-260-001-CC3)
- 98年度國道噪音及交通環境噪音監測暨易發生噪音設施許可審查計畫
- 南投縣政府環境保護局97年度國道三號、國道六號及其他道路等交通噪音及環境音量監測評析計畫
- 皮革廠污泥同時回收鉻金屬與PHAs技術之研發
(100-2622-E-260-001-CC3) - 新穎釋氧物質於受油品污染之地下水整治與Microtox生物毒性評估技術研發–批次與管柱試驗(EPA-99-GA103-03-A236-6)
- 南投縣政府環境保護局99年度河川水質監測研究工作計畫
- 皮革廢水處理廠廢棄污泥回收再製成生物可分解塑料技術之研發(NSC 99-2622-E-260 -001 -CC3)
- 由實廠廢棄污泥萃取PHA製成生物可分解塑料最佳技術之研發(NSC 98-2622-E-260- 002-CC3)
- 南投縣政府環境保護局98年度河川水質監測研究工作計畫
- 八八水災災區重建環境輔導與建言團隊 A區(雲、嘉、投)
- 中華民國環境工程學會會員
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會會員
- 美國土木工程師(American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE)會員
- 美國環境工程師與科學家學院(American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, AAEES) 會員
- Associate Editor, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)(2021 起)
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十七屆理事(2021起)
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十七屆青年工作委員會主任委員(2021起)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會第十一屆理事(2021起)
- 南投縣政府公害糾紛調處委員會第九屆委員(2018/11起)
- 社團法人中國土木水利工程學會第二十三屆學術與教育委員會委員(2020-2021)
- 社團法人中國土木水利工程學會第二十三屆學術與教育委員會委員(2018-2019)
- 經濟部工業局事業廢棄物再利用許可審查委員(2009起)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會技術委員會 委員(2017-2019)
- 中華民國環境工程學會水環境工程委員會 副主任委員(2017-2019)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會出版委員會 副主任委員(2015-2016)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會出版委員會 委員(2013-2014)
- 行政院環境保護署空氣品質保護處噪音計畫審查委員
- 南投縣政府環境保護局計畫審查委員
- 澎湖縣政府環境保護局計畫審查委員
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十二屆水環境工程委員會委員(2011/1/1-2012/12/31)
- 南投縣環境保護基金管理委員會第三屆管理委員(2010/6/1-2010/10/31)
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十一屆土壤及地下水環境委員會委員(2009/1/1-2010/12/31)
- 環境保護人員訓練所檢查或鑑定噪音狀況人員訓練班講座
- 環境保護人員訓練所噪音案件陳情處理、輔導及稽查作業講習班講座
- 環境保護人員訓練所甲乙級空氣污染防制專責人員訓練班講座
- 學術審稿: Chemical Engineering Journal; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Journal of Environmental Management; Chemosphere; Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology; Water Environment Research; Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers; Water Science and Technology; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Clean- Soil, Air, Water; PLOS ONE; Desalination and Water Treatment; Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste.
- 環境教育人員證書(教學、行政),臺教資(六)字第1030078649-67號,2019/7/26-2024/7/25。
- 環境教育人員證書(教學、行政),臺教資(六)字第1030078649-67號,2014/5/27-2019/5/26。
- 甲級廢棄物處理技術員 (91)環署訓證字第HA020495號, 2002.
- 甲級空氣污染防制專責人員 (90)環署訓證字第FA150106號, 2001.
- 甲級毒性化學物質專業技術管理人員 (89)環署訓證字第JA070347號, 2000.
- 甲級廢水處理專責人員 (89)環署訓證字GA100044號, 2000.
- 勞工安全衛生管理員 (87) (乙) 009738, 1998
國立中山大學環境工程研究所 博士 (2001-2006)
國立中山大學環境工程研究所 碩士 (1999-2001)
東海大學環境科學系 學士 (1995-1999)
國立暨南國際大學土木工程學系 特聘教授(2020/8 起)
國立暨南國際大學土木工程學系 系主任 (2018/2 起)
國立暨南國際大學土木工程學系 教授 (2017/2 起)
國立暨南國際大學環境保護暨安全衛生中心 中心主任 (2018/8-2021/1)
國立暨南國際大學環境保護暨安全衛生中心 環境保護組組長 (2016/8-2021/1)
國立暨南國際大學土木工程學系 副教授 (2012/8-2017/1)
國立暨南國際大學土木工程學系 助理教授 (2008/8-2012/7)
國立暨南國際大學環境保護暨安全衛生中心 安全衛生組組長 (2016/8-2017/5)
美國University of Delaware土木暨環境工程系訪問學者(2015/8-2016/7)
國立暨南國際大學環境保護暨安全衛生中心 環境保護組組長 (2008/9-2015/7)
瑞昶科技股份有限公司 專案副理 (2008/3-2008/7)
高雄縣政府環境保護局局長室 替代役 (2007/11-2007/12)
美國理海大學(Lehigh U)土木暨環境工程系 訪問研究員 (2005/6-2006/5)
東方技術學院工業工程與管理系 兼任講師 (2001/8-2004/7)
大仁技術學院環境工程與科學系 兼任講師 (2002/8-2003/1)
225061 環境化學
229057 地下水污染防治
229059 土壤及地下水採樣與分析
993081 環保與生活
994004 環境教育與解說
993081 環保與生活
994004 環境教育與解說
- 土壤及地下水污染調查與整治
- 水及廢水處理
- 電化學高級氧化
- 水資源及流域管理
- 噪音評析與控制
- 教育部110年度延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵,2021。
- 國立暨南國際大學109年度高引用率期刊論文獎,2020。
- 教育部資深環境安全衛生業務主管獎勵,2020。
- 教育部109年度延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵,2020。
- 教育部,108年教育行政主管機關及各級學校績優環境教育人員優等獎,2019。
- 中華民國環境工程學會2019空氣污染控制技術研討會優秀論文獎(賴嘉祥、項堯楷、楊智其、陳谷汎、蔡勇斌、林家驊),2019。
- 中華民國環境工程學會2019空氣污染控制技術研討會優秀論文獎(陳怡君、陳宏庠、陳谷汎、林家驊),2019。
- 國立暨南國際大學傑出研究教師獎,2019。
- 教育部108年度延攬及留住特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵,2019。
- 科技部107年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵,2018。
- 科技部106年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵,2017。
- 教育部資深環境安全衛生業務主管獎勵,2017。
- 科技部105年度補助大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施獎勵,2016。
- 中華民國環境工程學會2016土壤與地下水研討會優秀論文獎(劉智禎、陳谷汎、彭彥彬、吳雅竹、洪毅翔),2016。
- 科技部,「產學成果海報展示優良獎」,以工業廢棄物鹼活化過硫酸鹽整治受含氯有機物污染之地下水104-2918-I-260 -001),2016。
- 科技部104年度補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究,2015。
- 財團法人徐有庠先生紀念基金會第十三屆有庠科技論文獎-綠色科技類,2015。
- 國立暨南國際大學傑出研究教師獎,2015。
- Chang, Y.C., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F.*, Chen, T.Y.*, Tang, C.T., 2022. The effect of different in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) technologies on the survival of indigenous microbes and the remediation of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 163, 105-115. (IF: 6.158; Engineering, Chemical 22/143)
- Chen, Y.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, K.Y.A., Chen, J.K., Jiang, X.Y., Lin, C.H.*, 2022. The nephrotoxic potential of polystyrene microplastics at realistic environmental concentrations. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 427, 127871. (IF: 10.588; Environmental Sciences 10/274)
- Dao, K.C., Yang, C.C., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P., 2022. Effect of operational parameters on the removal of carbamazepine and nutrients in a submerged ceramic membrane bioreactor. Membranes, 12, 420.
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, Chen, T.Y., Chen, H.H., Chen, W.Y., Mao, Y.C., 2022. Development of novel persulfate tablets for passive trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater remediation. Chemosphere, 295, 133906. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Chen, W.T., Chen, K.F., Surmpalli, R.Y., Zhang, T.C., Ou, J.H., Kao, C.M.*, 2021. Bioremediation of trichloroethylene-polluted groundwater using emulsified castor oil for slow carbon release and acidification control. Water Environment Research, 94, e1673. (IF: 1.946; Limnology 11/21)
- Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P., Lai, C.H.*, Xiang, Y.K., Chuang, K.Y., Zhu, Z.H., 2021. Human health-risk assessment based on chronic exposure to the carbonyl compounds and metals emitted by burning incense at temples. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 40640-40652. (IF: 4.223; Environmental Sciences 91/274)
- Nguyen, T.T., Chen, H.H., To, T.H., Chang, Y.C., Tsai, C.K., Chen, K.F.*, and Tsai, Y.P.*, 2021. Development of biochars derived from water bamboo (Zizania latifolia) shoot husks using pyrolysis and ultrasound-assisted pyrolysis for the treatment of Reactive Black 5 (RB5) in wastewater. Water, 13, 1615. (IF: 3.103, Water Resources 39/98)
- Chen, Y.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, J.H., Huang, S.W., Chen, H.H., Lin, K.Y.A., Lin, C.H.*, 2021. The impact of pyrolysis temperature on physicochemical properties and pulmonary toxicity of tobacco stem micro-biochar. Chemosphere, 263, 128349. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Peng, Y.P.*, Liu, C.C., Chen K.F., Huang, C.P., Chen, C.H., 2021. Green synthesis of nano-silver–titanium nanotube array (Ag/TNA) composite for concurrent ibuprofen degradation and hydrogen generation. Chemosphere, 264, 128407. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Chen, Y.C., Lin, K.Y.A., Chen, K.F., Jiang, X.Y., Lin, C.H.*, 2021. In vitro renal toxicity evaluation of copper-based metal–organic framework HKUST-1 on human embryonic kidney cells. Environmental Pollution, 273, 116528. (IF: 8.071; Environmental Sciences 23/274)
- Yang, C.C., Dao, K.C., Lin, Y.S., Cheng, T.Y., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2021. Impacts of mixing mode on photocatalytic reduction of hexavalent chromium over titanium dioxide nanomaterial under various environmental conditions. Water, 13(16), 2291. (IF: 3.103, Water Resources 39/98)
- Peng, Y.P., Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, Wang, C.H., 2020. A field pilot-scale study on heavy metal-contaminated soil washing by using an environmentally friendly agent—poly-γ-glutamic acid (γ-PGA). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 34760-34769. (IF: 4.223; Environmental Sciences 91/274)
- Dao, K.H., Yang, C.C., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2020. Recent trends in removal pharmaceuticals and personal care products by electrochemical oxidation and combined systems. Water, 12, 1043. (IF: 3.103, Water Resources 39/98)
- Peng, Y.P.*, Peng, L.C., Chen, K.F., Chen, C.H., Chang, K.L., Chen, K.S., Dang, Z., Lu, G.N., Sun, J., 2020. Degradation of trichloroethylene by photoelectrochemically activated persulfate. Chemosphere, 254, 126796. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Hsiao, V.K.S.*, Cheng, T.Y., Chen, C.F., Shiu, H., Yu, Y.J., Tsai, C.F., Lai, P.C., Tsai, M.C., Yang, C.C., Chien, H.Y., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P., 2020. Optimized LED-integrated agricultural facilities for adjusting the growth of water bamboo (Zizania latifolia). Applied Sciences-Basel, 10, 1330. (IF: 2.679; Engineering, Multidisciplinary 38/90)
- Peng, Y.P. Chen, T.Y., Wu, C.Y., Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, 2019. Dispersant-modified iron nanoparticles for mobility enhancement and TCE degradation: a comparison study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 34157-34166. (IF: 4.223; Environmental Sciences 91/274)
- Chen, Y.C., Lin, K.Y.A., Lu, T.Y., Lin, Y.H., Lin, C.H.*, Chen, K.F.*, 2019. Photoinduced antibacterial activity of NRC03 peptide-conjugated dopamine/nano-reduced graphene oxide against Staphylococcus aureus. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 18, 2442-2448. (IF: 3.982; Biophysics 22/71)
- Chen, Y.C., Lin, C.H., Lung S.C.C., Chen, K.F., Wang, W.C.V., Chou, C.T., Lai, C.H.*, 2019. Environmental concentration of spray paint particulate matters causes pulmonary dysfunction in human normal bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cell. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 126, 250-258. (IF: 6.158; Engineering, Chemical 22/143)
- Sun, J., Xu, W., Cai, B., Huang, G., Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Yuan, Y.*, Chang, K., Chen, K., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F., 2019. High-concentration nitrogen removal coupling with bioelectric power generation by a self-sustaining algal-bacterial biocathode photo-bioelectrochemical system under daily light/dark cycle. Chemosphere, 222, 797-809. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Sun, J., Xu, W., Yang, P., Li, N., Yuan, Y., Zhang, H., Wang, Y., Ning, X., Zhang, Y.*, Chang, K.L., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F., 2019. Enhanced oxytetracycline removal coupling with increased power generation using a self-sustained photo-bioelectrochemical fuel cell. Chemosphere, 221, 21-29. (IF: 7.086; Environmental Sciences 30/274)
- Sun, J., Xu, W, Yang, P., Yaun, Y., Zhang, H., Ning, X., Zhang, Y.*, Chang, K.L., Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F., 2019. Enhancing the performance of photo-bioelectrochemical fuel cell using graphene oxide/cobalt/polypyrrole composite modified photo-biocathode in the presence of antibiotic. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44, 1919-1929. (IF: 5.816, Chemistry, Physical 41/162)
- Chou, C.C., Yang, C.C., Lu, M.S., Hu, L.Y., Chen, K.F., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2019. The influence of temperature on metabolisms of phosphorus accumulating organisms in biological wastewater treatment plants in the presence of Cu(II) toxicity. Applied Sciences-Basel, 9, 1126. (IF: 2.679; Engineering, Multidisciplinary 38/90)
- Chen, Y.C., Sawettanun, S., Chen, K.F., Lee, C.Y., Yan, J., Chen, H.H., Chen, G.W., Lin, C.H.*, 2019. Enhanced efficient NIR photothermal therapy using pleurocidin NRC-03 peptide-conjugated dopamine-modified reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite. ACS Omega, 4(2), 3298–3305. (IF: 3.512; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 78/178)
- Lin, C.C., Peng, Y.P., Tsai, Y.P., Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.*, 2018. Impact and control of reflected noise from an overpass bottom. Applied Sciences-Basel, 8, 1908. (IF: 2.217; Physics, Applied 67/148)
- Chen, H., Peng, Y.P.*, Chen, T.Y., Chen, K.F., Chang, K.L., Dang, Z., Lu, G.N., He, H., 2018. Enhanced photoelectrochemical degradation of Ibuprofen and generation of hydrogen via BiOI-deposited TiO2 nanotube arrays. Science of the Total Environment, 633, 1198-1205. (IF: 7.963; Environmental Sciences 25/274)
- Yang, C.C., Doong, R.A., Chen, K.F., Chen, G.S., Tsai, Y.P.*, 2018. The photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by green semiconductor films that is induced by irradiation by a light emitting diode and visible light. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 68(1), 29-38. (IF: 2.235; Environmental Sciences 189/274)
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, T.Y., Tsai, Y.P., Chen, K.F.*, 2018. Remediation of trichloroethene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater by persulfate oxidation: a field-scale study. RSC Advances, 8(5), 2433-2440. (IF: 3.361; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 81/178)
- Sun, J.*, Cai, B., Xu, W., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Peng, Y.P., Chang, K.L. Kuo, J., Chen, K.F., Ning, X., Liu, G., Wang, Y., Yang, Z., Liu, J., 2017. Enhanced bioelectricity generation and azo dye treatment in a reversible photo-bioelectrochemical cell by using novel anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS)/MnOx-doped polypyrrole film electrodes. Bioresource Technology, 225, 40-47. (IF: 6.669; Agricultural Engineering 1/13)
- Sheu, Y.T., Lien, P.J., Chen, K.F., Ou, J.H., Kao, C.M.*, 2016. Application of NZVI-contained emulsified substrate to bioremediate PCE-contaminated groundwater - A pilot-scale study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 304, 714-727. (IF: 8.355; Engineering, Chemical 6/138)
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Liu, K.Y., 2016. A kinetic and mechanistic study of the degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane and methyl tert-butyl ether using alkaline-activated persulfate oxidation. RSC Advances 6(79), 75578-75587. (IF: 3.049; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 68/172)
- Chen, H., Peng, Y.P.*, Chen, K.F., Lai, C.H., Lin, Y.C., 2016. Rapid synthesis of Ti-MCM-41 by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method towards photocatalytic degradation of oxytetracycline. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 44, 76-87. (IF: 3.556; Environmental Sciences 72/251)
- Sun, Z., Yang, L., Chen, K.F., Chen, G.W., Peng, Y.P., Chen, J.K., Suo, G., Yu, J., Wang*, W.C., Lin, C.H.*, 2016. Nano zerovalent iron particles induce pulmonary and cardiovascular toxicity in an in vitro human co-culture model. Nanotoxicology, 10, 881-890. (IF: 5.955; Toxicology 6/93)
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Chiou, W.T., 2016. Remediation of diesel-contaminated soil using in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and the effects of common oxidants on the indigenous microbial community: a comparison study. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 91, 1877-1888. (IF: 2.659; Engineering, Chemical 52/138)
- Peng, Y.P., Chen, K.F.*, Lin, W.H., Chang, Y.C., Wu, F., 2016. A novel three-stage treatment train for the remediation of trichloroethylene-contaminated groundwater. RSC Advances 6(47), 41247-41260. (IF: 3.049; Chemistry, Multidisciplinary 68/172)
- Chen, H.L., Chen, K.F., Lai, S.W., Dang, Z., Peng, Y.P.*, 2015. Photoelectrochemical oxidation of azo dye and generation of hydrogen via C-N co-doped TiO2 nanotube arrays. Separation and Purification Technology, 146,143-153. (IF: 5.107; Engineering, Chemical 14/138)
- Yan, C., Chen, K.F., Lai, C.H., Lai, S.W., Chang, Q, Peng, Y.P.*, 2014. Photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B by microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesized N-doped titanate nanotubes. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 26, 1505-1512. (IF: 3.556; Environmental Sciences 72/251)
- Chang, Y.C., Huang, S.C., Chen, K.F.*, 2014. Evaluation of the effects of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) dispersants on intrinsic biodegradation of trichloroethylene (TCE). Water Science and Technology, 69, 2357-2363. (IF: 1.624; Water Resources 58/91)
- Liang, S.H., Chen, K.F., Wu, C.S., Lin, Y.H., Kao, C.M.*, 2014. Development of KMnO4-releasing composites for in situ chemical oxidation of TCE-contaminated groundwater. Water Research, 54, 149-158. (IF: 7.913; Water Resources 1/91)
- Tsai, T.T., Liu, J.K., Chang, Y.M., Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, 2014. Application of polycolloid-releasing substrate to remediate trichloroethylene-contaminated groundwater: a pilot-scale study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 268, 92-101. (IF: 7.650; Environmental Sciences 12/251)
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Huang, S.C., 2012. Biodegradation potential of MTBE and BTEX under aerobic, nitrate reducing, and methanogenic conditions at a gasoline-contaminated site. Desalination and Water Treatment, 48, 278-284. (IF: 1.173; Engineering, Chemical 73/135)
- Chen, K.F., Yeh, T.Y.*, Hsu, Y.H., Chen, C.W., 2012. The phytoattenuation of the soil metal contamination: the effects of plant growth regulators (GA3 and IAA) by employing wetland macrophyte vetiver and energy plant sunflower. Desalination and Water Treatment, 45(1-3), 144-152 (IF: 1.173; Engineering, Chemical 73/135)
- Chen, K.F., Yeh, T.Y.*, Lin, C. F., 2012. Phytoextraction of Cu, Zn, and Pb enhanced by chelators with vetiver (Vetiveria zizaniodides): hydroponic and pot experiments. ISRN Ecology, 2012, Article ID 729693, 1-12.
- Chen, K.F., Yeh, T.Y., Kao, C.M.*, Sung, W.P., Lin, C.C., 2012. Application of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) to enhance microbial reductive dechlorination of TCE: A feasibility study. Current Nanoscience, 8(1), 55-59. (IF: 1.096; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 167/260)
- Yen, C.H., Chen, K.F.*, Sheu, Y.T., Lin, C.C., Horng, J.J., 2012. Pollution source investigation and water quality management in the Carp Lake Watershed, Taiwan. Clean-Soil Air Water, 40(1), 24-33. (IF: 1.945; Water Resources 23/83)
- Lin, Y.C., Lee, C.H., Lin, M.S., Yang, K.H.*, Chen, K.F., Pan, C.P., 2011. Pollutant trends and hazard ranking in the desalination area of the Penghu Islands, Taiwan. Desalination, 281, 159-164. (IF: 3.756; Water Resources 2/83)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Sung, W.P., Lin, C.C., Yeh, T.Y., 2011. Enhanced in situ anaerobic bioremediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater using nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI). Materials Science Forum, 694, 3-7. (EI)
- Chen, K.F., Li, S., Zhang, W.X.*, 2011. Renewable hydrogen generation by bimetallic zero valent iron nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 170(2-3), 562-567. (IF: 4.321; Engineering, Chemical 9/135)
- Yen, C.H., Chen, K.F.*, Kao, C.M., Liang, S.H., Chen, T.Y., 2011. Application of persulfate to remediate petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated soil: Feasibility and comparison with common oxidants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3), 2097-2102. (IF: 4.529; Engineering, Civil 2/125)
- Liang, S.H., Kao, C.M.*, Kuo, Y.C., Chen, K.F., Yang, B.M., 2011. In situ oxidation of petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater using passive ISCO system. Water Research, 45(8), 2496-2506. (IF: 5.528; Water Resources 1/83)
- Liang, S.H., Kao, C.M.*, Kuo, Y.C., Chen, K.F., 2011. Application of persulfate-releasing barrier to remediate MTBE and benzene contaminated groundwater. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 185(2-3), 1162-1168. (IF: 4.529; Engineering, Civil 2/125)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Chen, C.W., Surampalli, R.Y., Lee, M.S., 2010. Control of petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater by intrinsic and enhanced bioremediation. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 22(6), 864-871. (IF: 2.002; Environmental Sciences 98/223)
- Chen, K.F.*, Kao, C.M., Wu, L.C., Liang, S.H., 2009. MTBE degradation by ferrous iron-activated persulfate oxidation: feasibility and kinetics studies. Water Environment Research, 81(7), 687-694. (IF: 0.865; Water Resources 60/83)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Chen, T.Y., Weng, C.H., Tsai, C.T., 2006. Intrinsic bioremediation of MTBE-contaminated groundwater at a petroleum-hydrocarbon spill site. Environmental Geology, 50(3), 439-445. (IF: 1.127; Water Resources 1/78)
- Kao, C.M., Chen, K.F., Liu, C.K., Chou, S.M., Chen, S.C.*, 2006. Enzymatic degradation of nitriles by Klebsiella oxytoca. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 71(2), 228-233. (IF: 3.337; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology 39/163)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Wang, J.Y., Chen, T.Y., Chien, C.C., 2005. Natural attenuation of MTBE at two petroleum-hydrocarbon spill sites. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 125(1-3), 10-16. (IF: 4.529; Engineering, Civil 2/125)
- Chen, K.F.*, Huang, W.Y., Yeh, T.Y., Kao, C.M., Hou, F. 2005. Biodegradability of 2,4-dichlorophenol under different redox conditions. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 9(3), 141-146. (EI)
- Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M.*, Hsieh, C.Y., Chen, S.C., Chen, Y. L., 2005. Natural biodegradation of MTBE under different environmental conditions: Microcosm and microbial identification studies. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 74, 356-364. (IF: 1.255; Environmental Sciences 146/223)
- Chen, K.F.*, Wu, L.C., Kao, C.M., Yang, G.C.C., Chen, T.Y., 2004. Application of health risk assessment to derive cleanup levels at a fuel-oil spill site. Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management, 8(2), 99-104. (EI)
- Kao, C.M.*, Chen, K.F., Chen, Y.L., Chen, T.Y., Huang, W.Y., 2004. Biobarrier system for remediation of TCE-contaminated aquifers. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 72(1), 87-93. (IF: 1.255; Environmental Sciences 146/223)
- Kao, C.M., Chai, C.T., Liu, J.K., Yeh, T.Y., Chen, K.F., Chen, S.C.*, 2004. Evaluation of natural and enhanced PCP biodegradation at a former pesticide manufacturing plant. Water Research, 38, 663-672. (IF: 5.528; Water Resources 1/83)
- Kao, C.M*., Chen, K.F., Liao, Y.L., Chen, C.W., 2003. Water quality management in the Kaoping River watershed, Taiwan. Water Science and Technology, 47(7-8), 209-216. (IF: 1.106; Environmental Sciences 157/223)
- Kao, C.M.*, Wu, F.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, T.F., Yen, Y.E., Chiang, P.C., 2003. Pollutant sources investigation and remedial strategies development for the Kaoping River basin, Taiwan. Water Science and Technology, 48(7), 97-103. (IF: 1.106; Environmental Sciences 157/223)
- Kao, C.M.*, Wang, J.Y., Chen, K.F., Lee, H.Y., Wu, M.J., 2002. Non-point source pesticide removal by a mountainous wetland. Water Science and Technology, 46(6-7), 199-206. (IF: 1.106; Environmental Sciences 157/223)
- 武東星、蘇玉龍、劉一中、陳谷汎、陳松毅、蘇慧倚,世界綠色大學-暨大綠屋頂發電、中水回收,營建知訊459 期,2021。
- 彭彥彬、陳廷育、吳駿逸、張育禎,陳谷汎*,以Tween 系列界面活性劑加強奈米級零價鐵移動性之研究,土壤及地下水污染整治,第四卷,第三期,171-184,2017。
- 陳廷育、李文娟、彭彥彬、張育禎、陳谷汎*,高爐石去除水中偶氮染料技術之環境友善性提升,土壤及地下水污染整治,第四卷,第二期,115-124,2017。
- 彭彥彬、吳非、張育禎、盧桂寧、陳谷汎*,亞鐵活化過硫酸鹽降解偶氮染料Reactive Black 5機制之研究,土壤及地下水污染整治,第三卷,第三期,第211-219頁,2016。
- 張育禎、陳谷汎*,過硫酸鹽氧化法技術發展及污染整治應用,土壤及地下水污染整治,第二卷,第三期,第231-241頁,2015。
- Yu-Chen Chang, Hung-Hsiang Chen, Chia-Hua Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Treatment of gasoline- and chlorinated organic-contaminated groundwater using persulfate combined with biochar. The 2021 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 14th CESE Conference), 2021 (online).
- Hung-Hsiang Chen, Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Chang-Sheng Huang, Ku-Fan Chen*. Mechanisms of 1,4-Dioxane Removal by Using Platinum Electrode-activated Persulfate. The 2021 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 14th CESE Conference), 2021 (online).
- Dong-Sing Wuu, I-Chung Liu, Ku-Fan Chen, Chih-Chi Yang, Yung-Pin Tsai, Yu-Chu Feng. Enhancing National Chi Nan University campus’s ecological friendliness by creating a butterfly habitat using reclaimed water. The 7th International (Virtual) Workshop on UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM 2021), August 24-26, 2021(online).
- Yu-Chen Chang, Ku-Fan Chen*, Yen-Ping Peng, Hung-Hsiang Chen, Ching-Hsiang Wang, Chang-Sheng Huang. Application of electrochemically activated persulfate for the treatment of organic wastewater. The 2020 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 13th CESE Conference), 2020 (online).
- Yen-Ping Peng, Yu-Chen Chang, Ku-Fan Chen*, Tzu-Chien Ning, Chang-Sheng Huang, Yi-Tang Liao. Evaluation of heavy metal removal efficiency from contaminated soil by green washing agent: taking γ-PGA as an example. The 2020 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 13th CESE Conference), 2020 (online).
- Ting-Yu Chen, Yu-Chen Chang, Ying-Chih Mao, Ku-Fan Chen*. Application of novel persulfate tablets for trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater remediation. The 2019 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 12th CESE Conference), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 3-7, 2019.
- Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Yi-Min Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Influences of chloride and carbonate on alkaline-activated persulfate for the degradation of 1,2-dichloroethane and trichloroethylene. The 2019 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, (The 12th CESE Conference), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 3-7, 2019.
- Ku-Fan Chen, Chih-Chi Yang, Yuhlong Oliver Su*, Yung-Pin Tsai. NCNU’s collaboration with the neighborhood to create a green economy. The 5th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric, Cork, Ireland, April 14-16, 2019.
- Yen-Ping Peng, Yu-Chen Chang, Ching Hsiang Wang, Chang-Sheng Huang, Yi-Tang Liao, Ku-Fan Chen*. A field pilot-scale study on heavy metal-contaminated soil washing by using an environmental friendly agent-polyglutamic acid. The 2018 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 11th CESE Conference), Bangkok, Thailand, November 4-8, 2018.
- Yu-Chen Chang, Yen-Ping Peng, Yi-Min Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Effect of chloride and carbonate on the removal of chlorinated organics by alkaline-activated persulfate. The 2018 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 11th CESE Conference), November 4-8, 2018.
- Chih-Chi Yang, Yung-Pin Tsai*, Jan-Wei, Hao Shiu, Jhih-Shen Wei, Ku-Fan Chen. Development of green Shui Sha Lian: water environment exploration and water quality purification action in Taomi ecological village. International Conference on University Social Responsibility, Nantou, Taiwan, April 28, 2018.
- Yuhlong Oliver Su*, Ku-Fan Chen, Yung-Pin Tsai, Hui-I Su. How universities can work together with local communities to create a green, sustainable future. The 4th International Workshop on UI GreenMetric, Semarang, Indonesia, April 8-10, 2018.
- Yu-Chen Chang, Ting-Yu Chen, Yung-Pin Tsai, Yen-Ping Peng, Yi-Min Lin, Ku-Fan Chen*. Mechanism of removal of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) and trichloroethylene (TCE) by alkaline-activated persulfate. The 2017 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 10th CESE Conference), Kunming, China, November 11-15, 2017.
- Chi-Chwen Lin, Yung-Pin Tsai, Yen-Ping Peng, Yu-Chen Chang, Chun-Yi Wu, Ku-Fan Chen*. Tween surfactant-modified nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) for reductive dechlorination of trichloroethylene (TCE). The 2017 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 10th CESE Conference), Kunming, China, November 11-15, 2017.
- Wan-Chun Lin, Yi-Ching Lin, Ku-Fan Chen, Yen-Ping Peng*, Ling-Chen Peng. Photoelectrochemical degradation of PPCPs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Sulfamethoxazole) via Cu2O coated titanium nanotube arrays. The 2017 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering, Kunming, China (The 10th CESE Conference), Kunming, China, November 11-15, 2017.
- Yuhlong Oliver Su, I-Chung Liu, Ku-Fan Chen, Yen-Tsung Chang. Green NCNU in the heart of Taiwan. The 3rd International Workshop on UI GreenMetric, Istanbul, Turkey, April 10-11, 2017.
- Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C., Tang, C.T. Effect of different in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) technologies on soil microorganisms and diesel removal. The 2016 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (The 9th CESE Conference), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, November 6-10, 2016.
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.* Application of different persulfate oxidation processes to remediate trichloroethylene (TCE)-contaminated groundwater: a field-scale study. The 2016 International Conference on the Challenges in Environmental Science and Engineering (The 9th CESE Conference), November 6-10, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2016.
- Chang, Y.C., Chen, K.F.* Development of low-cost reactive barriers using bamboo charcoal to remediate organic compound contaminated groundwater. IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, October 9-14, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2016.
- 彭彥彬、陳谷汎*、邱揚能、林易靜,碘氧化鉍改質TiO2電極之光電化學特性分析,第六屆海峽兩岸環境保護會議-泉州論壇,Fujian,China,8/3-8/9,2016。
- 彭彥彬、陳谷汎*、林韋翰、毛英智、張育禎,以過硫酸鹽為基礎之新穎整治列車處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水,第六屆海峽兩岸環境保護會議-泉州論壇,Fujian,China,8/3-8/9,2016。
- 張育禎、王靖翔、黃長升、陳谷汎*,以不同電極活化過硫酸鹽去除水中有機物之研究,2019土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台中,11/22-11/23,2019。
- 賴嘉祥*、項堯楷、楊智其、陳谷汎、蔡勇斌、林家驊,寺廟焚香產生之重金屬與醛酮類化合物對工作人員之健康危害風險比較,2019空氣污染控制技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台中,11/22-11/23,2019。(優秀論文獎)
- 陳怡君、陳宏庠、陳谷汎、林家驊*,聚苯乙烯塑膠微粒對人類正常肺細胞之毒性效應評估,2019空氣污染控制技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台中,11/22-11/23,2019。(優秀論文獎)
- 彭彥彬、黃長升、王靖翔、張育禎、陳谷汎*,環境友善型聚麩胺酸清洗受重金屬污染土壤之模場試驗,2018土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/16-11/17,台南,2018。
- 彭彥彬*、彭羚榛、陳谷汎、劉元涵,利用二氧化鈦奈米管陣列光電化學催化過硫酸鹽降解三氯乙烯,2018廢水處理技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會, 11/16-11/17,台南,2018。
- 陳怡君、林家驊、周政泰、賴嘉祥、陳谷汎,廠區環境濃度噴漆懸浮微粒誘發人類肺支氣管上皮細胞相關肺毒性之研究,2018空氣污染控制技術研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,甭11/16-11/17,台南,2018。
- 楊智其、蔡勇斌、馮郁筑、徐顥、魏志昇、陳谷汎*,營造綠色水沙連:蜈蚣社區生態調查與水環境改善行動,2018 USR X CSR大學社會責任與企業社會責任研討會,世新大學,台北,5/10,2018。
- 劉智禎、陳谷汎、彭彥彬*、吳雅竹、洪毅翔,以綠色技術合成銀摻雜二氧化鈦奈米管陣列電極進行光電化學方法降解布洛芬,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。(優秀論文獎)
- 王瑋晨、陳谷汎、彭彥彬*、林婉淳,以綠色技術合成摻鈀二氧化鈦奈米管陣列電極進行光電化學方法降解甲基橙,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。
- 毛英智、林翊民、張育禎、陳谷汎*,緩釋型綠色過硫酸鹽整治藥錠之研發,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。
- 林翊民、毛英智、張育禎、陳谷汎*,鹼活化過硫酸鹽氧化法對含氯有機物去除成效及機制評估,2016土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,台南,11/18-11/19,2016。
- 劉冠余、林翊民、張育禎、陳威羽、陳谷汎*,以鹼活化過硫酸鹽氧化法處理受甲基第三丁基醚及1,2-二氯乙烷污染地下水之研究,2015土壤與地下水研討會,中華民國環境工程學會,桃園,11/13-11/14,2015。
- 陳谷汎、蔡勇斌、張育禎、楊智其、廖宜塘、陳宏庠,生物炭製造方法,台灣 (2020起申請中)。
- 陳谷汎、 蔡勇斌、張育禎、楊智其、甯鍶蒨、陳怡君,污水整治藥錠及其製造方法,I747680,2021/11/21-2040/12/22,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、劉冠余、張育禎,一種提升pH值加強含氯有機物降解之氧化法,I570071,2017/02~2034/01,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、陳威羽、吳庭年、張育禎,運用於受污染之水中長效型過硫酸鹽整治藥錠製成方法,I545088,2016/8/11-2035/6/10,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、張育禎,一種兼具吸附性、氧化性及活化性之水中污染物處理方法,I427041,2014/2/21-2031/1/5,台灣。
- 陳谷汎、張育禎、邱婉婷、黃聖智、許藝騰,以不同氧化劑結合生物復育法處理受污染土壤之方法,I439427,2014/6/1-2031/12/14,台灣。
- 高志明、許藝騰、陳谷汎、郭育嘉、史倫柏立洛、陳敬遠、陳博明,用以吸附及分解有機污染物之緩釋型複合基質,I460010,2014/11/11-2033/6/16,台灣。
- 高志明、陳谷汎、廖毓鈴、陳秋妏,一種具有持續釋放氧氣功能的人造釋氧合成物,201007,2004/04/11-2021/10/21,台灣。
- 以工業廢棄物鹼活化過硫酸鹽整治受含氯有機物污染之地下水,2015/08 ~ 2018/07 (104-2622-E-260-003 -CC3)。
- 不同過硫酸鹽氧化法應用程序現地處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水之成效及影響評估,2014/08 ~ 2017/07 (103-2622-E-260-002-CC3)。
- 地下水中長效型過硫酸鹽整治藥錠之研發及應用可行性評估,2013/07 ~ 2016/07 (102-2622-E-260-002-CC3)。
- 發展以生物碳及過硫酸鹽為基礎之現地反應牆整治受石油碳氫化合物污染之地下水(101-2622-E-260-001-CC3),2012/07 ~ 2015/07。
- 以低價吸附劑結合過硫酸鹽氧化法處理受汽油污染之地下水:可行性及再利用之研究,2010/12 ~ 2013/11 (99-2622-E-260-004-CC3)。
- 過硫酸鹽氧化法結合生物復育法整治受油品污染之土壤 (NSC 98-2622-E-260-001-CC3),2009/08 ~ 2014/07。
- 以不同電極活化過硫酸鹽藥錠處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水之技術開發 109-2622-E-260 -002
- 以碳奈米材料結合近紅外光熱活化過硫酸鹽處理水中1,4-二氧陸圜之研究(109-2221-E-260 -007 -MY3)
- 地方創生、社群協力與大學社會責任:暨大營造「水沙連大學城」續階計畫(3/3) 110-2420-H-260 -004 -HS3
- 以碳奈米材料結合近紅外光熱活化過硫酸鹽處理水中1,4-二氧陸圜之研究(延攬博士後研究人才)
- 應用智慧監控與資源循環技術優化筊白筍生產環境--應用智慧監控與資源循環技術優化筊白筍生產環境(3/3) 109-2321-B-260 -001
- 鹼活化過硫酸鹽氧化法自由基生成物種及其對不同有機污染物去除機制之探討(103-2221-E-260 -001 -MY3)
- 不同過硫酸鹽氧化法應用程序現地處理受三氯乙烯污染地下水之成效及影響評估(103-2622-E-260-002-CC3)
- 預約水沙連的春天:宜居城鎮的轉型與治理(2/3) (103-2221-E-260 -001 -MY3)
- 麥寮廠區VCM廠地下水化學氧化(過硫酸鹽)模場試驗(2021)
- 轉爐石瀝青混凝土刨除料工程填方(基地、路堤填築)試辦計畫(2019-2021)
- 臺中市未登記工廠輔導委託專業服務案(2020)
- 地方創生、社群協力與大學社會責任:暨大營造「水沙連大學城」續階計畫(2/3) 109-2420-H-260 -004 -HS2
- 以長效型氧化劑結合厭氧生物復育試劑整治受三氯乙烯污染之地下水:整治列車成效及對場址影響綜合評估
- 噪音感受度調查及對健康影響之評估(EPA-103-U1FI-02-104)
- 地工織物與織布袋過濾污泥行為之研究(1/3-3/3)
- 不同過硫酸鹽活化系統對土壤微生物族群及石油碳氫化合物自然生物降解之影響:與過氧化氫及過錳酸鹽之比較(102-2221-E-260-001-)
- 地下水中長效型過硫酸鹽整治藥錠之研發及應用可行性評估(102-2622-E-260-002-CC3)
- 噪音感受度調查及對健康影響之評估(EPA-102-U1F1-02-104)
- 102學年度第2學期現代公民核心能力課程計畫—單一通識課程發展計畫(B類)
- 發展以生物碳及過硫酸鹽為基礎之現地反應牆整治受石油碳氫化合物污染之地下水(101-2622-E-260-001-CC3)
- 陸上運輸系統(高架道路橋面下聲音)噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究(EPA-101-U1F1-02-101)
- 教育部顧問室101學年度第1學期現代公民核心能力課程計畫
- 100-101年度中區區域教學資源計畫(公民素養融入專業課程)-環境工程(下)
- 公民素養陶塑計畫(公民素養融入通識課程)-環境保護導論
- 陸上運輸系統(高架段伸縮縫)低頻噪音管制方式及改善措施之研究(EPA-100-U1F1-02-101)
- 以低價吸附劑結合過硫酸鹽氧化法處理受汽油污染之地下水:可行性及再利用之研究(99-2622-E-260-004-CC3)
- 99年度國道噪音及交通環境噪音監測暨易發生噪音設施許可審查計畫
- 99學年度第1學期通識教育課程計畫(A類)-全球環境變遷與永續發展
- 生物旋轉盤系統處理廢污水之水質分析
- 高速鐵路隧道出口低頻噪音分析與影響之研究(EPA-99-U1F1-02-101)
- 以新穎釋氧化劑整治牆處理受汽油污染之地下水(NSC 98-2221-E-260- 004-)
- 過硫酸鹽氧化法結合生物復育法整治受油品污染之土壤(NSC 98- 2622-E-260-001-CC3)
- 98年度國道噪音及交通環境噪音監測暨易發生噪音設施許可審查計畫
- 南投縣政府環境保護局97年度國道三號、國道六號及其他道路等交通噪音及環境音量監測評析計畫
- 皮革廠污泥同時回收鉻金屬與PHAs技術之研發
(100-2622-E-260-001-CC3) - 新穎釋氧物質於受油品污染之地下水整治與Microtox生物毒性評估技術研發–批次與管柱試驗(EPA-99-GA103-03-A236-6)
- 南投縣政府環境保護局99年度河川水質監測研究工作計畫
- 皮革廢水處理廠廢棄污泥回收再製成生物可分解塑料技術之研發(NSC 99-2622-E-260 -001 -CC3)
- 由實廠廢棄污泥萃取PHA製成生物可分解塑料最佳技術之研發(NSC 98-2622-E-260- 002-CC3)
- 南投縣政府環境保護局98年度河川水質監測研究工作計畫
- 八八水災災區重建環境輔導與建言團隊 A區(雲、嘉、投)
- 中華民國環境工程學會會員
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會會員
- 美國土木工程師(American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE)會員
- 美國環境工程師與科學家學院(American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists, AAEES) 會員
- Associate Editor, Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)(2021 起)
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十七屆理事(2021起)
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十七屆青年工作委員會主任委員(2021起)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會第十一屆理事(2021起)
- 南投縣政府公害糾紛調處委員會第九屆委員(2018/11起)
- 社團法人中國土木水利工程學會第二十三屆學術與教育委員會委員(2020-2021)
- 社團法人中國土木水利工程學會第二十三屆學術與教育委員會委員(2018-2019)
- 經濟部工業局事業廢棄物再利用許可審查委員(2009起)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會技術委員會 委員(2017-2019)
- 中華民國環境工程學會水環境工程委員會 副主任委員(2017-2019)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會出版委員會 副主任委員(2015-2016)
- 台灣土壤及地下水環境保護協會出版委員會 委員(2013-2014)
- 行政院環境保護署空氣品質保護處噪音計畫審查委員
- 南投縣政府環境保護局計畫審查委員
- 澎湖縣政府環境保護局計畫審查委員
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十二屆水環境工程委員會委員(2011/1/1-2012/12/31)
- 南投縣環境保護基金管理委員會第三屆管理委員(2010/6/1-2010/10/31)
- 中華民國環境工程學會第十一屆土壤及地下水環境委員會委員(2009/1/1-2010/12/31)
- 環境保護人員訓練所檢查或鑑定噪音狀況人員訓練班講座
- 環境保護人員訓練所噪音案件陳情處理、輔導及稽查作業講習班講座
- 環境保護人員訓練所甲乙級空氣污染防制專責人員訓練班講座
- 學術審稿: Chemical Engineering Journal; Journal of Hazardous Materials; Journal of Environmental Management; Chemosphere; Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology; Water Environment Research; Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers; Water Science and Technology; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Clean- Soil, Air, Water; PLOS ONE; Desalination and Water Treatment; Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste.
- 環境教育人員證書(教學、行政),臺教資(六)字第1030078649-67號,2019/7/26-2024/7/25。
- 環境教育人員證書(教學、行政),臺教資(六)字第1030078649-67號,2014/5/27-2019/5/26。
- 甲級廢棄物處理技術員 (91)環署訓證字第HA020495號, 2002.
- 甲級空氣污染防制專責人員 (90)環署訓證字第FA150106號, 2001.
- 甲級毒性化學物質專業技術管理人員 (89)環署訓證字第JA070347號, 2000.
- 甲級廢水處理專責人員 (89)環署訓證字GA100044號, 2000.
- 勞工安全衛生管理員 (87) (乙) 009738, 1998