姓名 : 劉家男 (LIU, Chia-Nan)
Engineering properties and applications of geosynthetics susceptibility analysis of landslides and debris flows reliability analysis of geotechnical engineering analysis of landfill system


  • B.S., National Taiwan University, 1984-1988
  • M.S., National Taiwan University, 1988-1990
  • Ph.D., University Texas at Austin, 1993-1998
  • Computer Programming, Wednesday 1-4pm, 103 College of Humanity.
  • Geotechnical Engineering, Thursday 9am-12pm, 439 Tech-Hall 2
  • Reliability Analysis in Civil Engineering, Wednesday 9am-12pm, 436 Tech-Hall 2
  • 地工合成材之工程應用, Tuesday 1-4pm, 325 Tech-Hall 2
  • Engineering properties and applications of geosynthetics susceptibility analysis of landslides and debris flows reliability analysis of geotechnical engineering analysis of landfill system.
  • Liu, C. N, Yang, K. H, and Nguyen, M. D.  (2014), “Behavior of Geogrid-reinforced Sand and Effect of Reinforcement Anchorage in Large-scale Plane Strain Compression”,Geotextiles and Geomembranes, accepted. (SCI :IF = 2.036, SC = Engineering, Geological = 2/30)
  • Liu, C. N, Ho, Y. H, Chang, C. M., and Yang, K. H, (2012), “Lessons Learned from Three Failures on a High Steep Geogrid-Reinforced Slope”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, Vol. 34, 131-143. (SCI :IF = 2.036, SC = Engineering, Geological = 2/30, # cites=9)
  • Chen, K.S., Chen, R.H., and Liu, C. N., (2012), “Modeling Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Settlement", Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 66, No. 8, 2301-2309. (NSC 89-2211-E-260-006- 89-2211-E-260-014-) (SCI :IF = 1.059,  SC = Geoscience, Multidisciplinary= 106/170)  *corresponding author.
  • Liu, C. N., Dong, J.J., Chen, C. J, and Lee W. F., (2012), Typical Landslides and Related Mechanisms in Ali Mountain Highway Induced by Typhoon Morakot: Perspectives from Engineering Geology, Landslides, Vol. 9, No. 2, 239-254. (NSC 99-2116-M-008-028). (SCI :IF = 2.216,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 1/30, # cites=1)
  • Yang, K. H., Zornberg, J. G., Liu, C. N., and Lin, H. D., (2012), Stress Distribution and Development within Geosynthetic-reinforced Soil Slopes Geosynthetics International, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1-17. (SCI :IF = 1.080,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 9/30)
  • Yang, K. H., Zornberg, J. G., Liu, C. N., and Lin, H. D., (2012), Backfill Stress and Strain Information within a Centrifuge Geosynthetic-Reinforced Slope under Working Stress and Large Soil Strain Conditions, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication, Vol. 225: 461-470 (EI).
  • 黃筱婷、楊哲銘、曹孟真、董家鈞、劉家男、王泰典、李維峰,(民國100年),地質構造與深層崩塌機制之關係-以阿里山公路為例,中華水土保持學報,第42卷第4期,17-28頁。
  • Liu C. N., and Chen J. H., (2010), Estimating Spatial Correlation Structures Based on CPT Data, Georisk, Vol. 4, No. 2, 99-108.  (NSC 92-2211-E-260-004, NSC93-2211-E-260-001).(EI)
  • Chen, R. H., Chen, K. S., and Liu, C. N.*, (2010), Study of the Mechanical Compression Behavior of Municipal Solid Wastes by Temperature Controlled Compression Tests,Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 61, No. 8, 1677-1690. (NSC 89-2211-E-260-006- 89-2211-E-260-014-) (SCI :IF = 1.059,  SC = Geoscience, Multidisciplinary= 106/170, # cites=2)  *corresponding author.
  • Liu C. N., and Chen J. H., (2010), Spatial Correlation Structures of CPT Data in a Liquefaction Site, Engineering Geology, Vol. 111, No. 1-4, 43-50.   (NSC 92-2211-E-260-004, NSC93-2211-E-260-001) (SCI :IF = 1.242,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 7/30, # cites=2)
  • Liu C. N., Zornberg J. G., Chen T. C., Ho, Y. H., and Lin B. H., (2009) Behavior of Geogrid-Sand Interfaces in Direct Shear Mode, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 12, 1863-1871. (NSC 95-2221-E-260-020-MY3, NSC 95-2918-I-260-005) (SCI :IF = 1.017,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 10/30, # cites=2)
  • Dong, J. J., Lee, C. T., Tung, Y. H., Liu, C. N, Lin, Y. P., and Lee, J. F., (2009) The Role of the Sediment Budget in Understanding Debris Flow Susceptibility, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 34, No. 12, 1612-1624. (SCI :IF = 2.432,  SC = Geosciences, Multidisciplinary = 30/170, # cites=7)
  • Liu C. N., (2009) Progressive Failure Mechanism in One Dimensional Stability Analysis of Shallow Slope Failures, Landslides, Vol. 6, No. 2, 129-137.  (SCI :IF = 2.216,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 1/30, # cites=4)
  • Liu C. N., Dong, J. J., Peng, Y. H., and Huang H. F., (2009) Effects of Strong Ground Motion on the Occurrence Potential of Gully Type Debris Flows, Engineering Geology, Vol. 104, No. 3-4, 241-253.  (SCI :IF = 1.242,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 7/30, # cites=10)
  • Liu C. N., Ho Y. H, and Huang J. W. (2009) Large Scale Direct Shear Tests of Soil/Pet-Yarn Geogrid Interfaces, Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 
  • Vol. 27, No. 1, 19-30. (NSC 95-2221-E-260-020-MY3) (SCI :IF = 2.036, SC = Engineering, Geological = 2/30, # cites=31)
  • Juang, C. H., Liu, C. N., Chen, C. H., Huang, J. H., and Lu, C. C. (2008) Calibration of Liquefaction Potential Index: A Re-visit Focusing on a New CPTU Model, Engineering Geology. Vol. 102, No. 1-2, 19-30.  (SCI :IF = 1.242,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 7/30, # cites=8)
  • Liu C. N., and Wu, C. C. (2008) Integrating GIS and Stress Transfer Mechanism in Mapping Rainfall-Triggered Landslide Susceptibility, Engineering Geology. Vol. 101, No. 1-2, 60-74. (SCI :IF = 1.242,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 7/30, # cites=4)
  • Liu C. N., Huang H. F., and Dong J. J. (2008) Impacts of September 21, 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake on the Characteristics of Gully-Type Debris Flows in Central Taiwan, Natural Hazards. Vol. 47, No. 3, 349-368 (SCI :IF = 1.529,  SC = Geoscience, Multidisciplinary= 74/170, # cite = 15).
  • Liu C. N., and Wu, C. C. (2008) Mapping Susceptibility of Rainfall-Triggered Shallow Landslides Using Probabilistic Approach, Environmental Geology. Vol. 55, No. 4, 907-915. (SCI :IF = 1.127,  SC = Geoscience, Multidisciplinary= 99/170, # cite = 7)
  • Liu C. N., and Chen J. H., (2008) Closures to Mapping Liquefaction Potential Considering Spatial Correlations of CPT Measurements, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 134, No. 2, 263-265. (NSC 92-2211-E-260-004, NSC93-2211-E-260-001) (SCI :IF = 1.017,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 10/30)
  • Yang K. H., and Liu C. N.*, (2007) Finite Element Analysis of Earth Pressures for Narrow Retaining Walls, Journal of Geoengineering, TGS. Vol. 2, No. 2, 43-52. *corresponding author. (NSC 95-2918-I-260-005, # cite = 5) (EI)
  • Liu C. N., and Chen J. H., (2006) Mapping Liquefaction Potential Considering Spatial Correlations of CPT Measurements, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 9, 1178-1187. (NSC 92-2211-E-260-004, NSC93-2211-E-260-001) (SCI :IF = 1.017,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 10/30, # cite = 8)
  • Liu, C. N., and Gilbert, R. B., (2006) Discussions and Responses: Graphical Solution for Estimating Geosynthetic Load in Geosynthetic- Soil Layered Systems on Slopes,Geosynthetics Internatinoal, Vol. 13, No. 4, 171-172. (NSC 91-2211-E-260-005) (SCI :IF = 1.080,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 9/30)
  • Liu, C. N., Chen R. H., and Chen, K. H, (2006) Unsaturated Consolidation Theory for Prediction of Long-term Municipal Soild Waste Landfill Settlement, Waste Management & Research, Vol. 24, No. 1, 80-91. (NSC 89-2211-E-260-006) (SCI :IF = 1.193,  SC = Engineering, Environmental = 29/45, # cite = 6, # cite = 18)
  • Liu, C. N., and Gilbert, R. B., (2005) Graphical solutions for estimating geosynthetic loads in geosynthetic–soil layered systems on slopes, Geosynthetics International, Vol. 12, No. 4, 208 -214. (NSC 91-2211-E-260-005) (SCI :IF = 1.080,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 9/30, # cite = 2)
  • 劉家男(民國93年),廢棄物掩埋場邊坡系統之穩定性-考慮地工加勁材料之張力行為,工程科技通訊,第73期,第102-104頁。
  • 劉家男、陳榮河、陳國賢(民國93年),垃圾掩埋場沉陷行為與預估,地工技術,第102期。
  • 劉家男(民國93年),地工合成材料於環境地工之應用,地工技術,第102期。
  • Liu, C. N., (2003) Working-strain Based Design of Landfill Final Cover Systems, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 26, No. 2, 249-253 (SCI :IF = 0.295,  SC = Engineering, Multidisciplinarys = 73/90, # cite = 2)
  • Liu, C. N., and Gilbert, R. B., (2003) Simplified Method for Estimating Geosynthetic Loads in Landfill Liner Side Slopes during Filling, Geosynthetics Internatinoal, Vol. 10, No. 1, 24-33 (SCI :IF = 1.080,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 9/30, # cite = 7)
  • 劉家男、陳榮河、陳國賢(民國91年),垃圾掩埋場沈陷行為之研究(1),工程科技通訊,第61期, 第60-64頁。
  • Liu, C. N. (2001), Tension of Geosynthetic Material Regarding Soils on Landfill Liner Slopes, Proceeding of the National Science Council. Vol. 25, No. 4, pp.211-218 (EI, # cite = 5)
  • 賴世屏、劉家男、郭勝雄(民國90年),地工合成材料加勁擋土牆施工實務,地工技術,第85期, 第25-34頁。
  • 劉家男、賴俊仁(民國90年),廢棄物掩埋場襯墊層之設計與施工,土木技術,第38期, 第79-94頁。
  • Chen, R. H., Liu, C. N., Chen, K. S., and Chen, T. J. (2000), Analysis of a Reinforced Slope Failure Induced by the Chi-Chi (Taiwan) Earthquake, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 429-437.  (SCI :IF = 0.295,  SC = Engineering, Multidisciplinarys = 73/90, # cite = 1)
  • Liu C. N., Gilbert, R. B., and Wright, S. G. (1998), Discussion of "Earth Slide on Geomembrane", Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE., Vol. 124, pp.650-651. (SCI :IF = 1.017,  SC = Engineering, Geological = 10/30, # cite = 1)
  • Liu, C.N., Liu, I. C., and Ho, Y. H., (2014), Development of an approximate equation for settlement estimation of geosynthetic reinforced unpaved road, Fourth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, 16-20, November, 2014, Tokyo, Japan. (co-chair of special ses
  • Wu, Y. C., Liu, C. N., and Chen, K. F., (2014) Modeling Tests of Sludge Filter Through Geotextiles, 7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, 11-14, Novermber, 2014, Melbourne,  Australia.
  • Liu, C. N., Lin, Y. T., Huang, L. Y., Wu, c. M., and Shin, M. Y. (2014), Community based disaster prevention: Take Taipei Wan-mei community as an example, The 8th Joint International Symposium on Disaster Risk Management- Education for Disaster Prevention, Reconstruction from K
  • Yang, K. H, Liu, C. N. and Nguyen, M. D.  (2014), “Effect of reinforcement anchorage on the plane stain behavior of geogrid-reinforced sand,” 10th International Conference of Geosynthetics, Spetember, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • Ho, Y, H, Liu, C. N., Wang, D. C., and Tseng, J. R. (2013), The case study of geotextile tube solution for tidal inlet restoration project in Tainan city, Proceedings of the 35th Ocean Engineering Conference, November 2013, Koushong, Taiwan.
  • Liu, C. N., and Chen. J. R. (2014) Investigation and study on debris flow risk perception and acceptable risk criteria in Taiwan, EGU General Assembly 2014, May 2014, Vienna, Austria.
  • Liu, C. N., and Dong, J. J. (2013) Variation of the susceptibility and significance of factors on the debris-flow occurrence after a large earthquake, EGU General Assembly 2013, April 2013, Vienna, Austria.
  • 林柏宏、劉家男、卿建業(民國一百零二年),以最大牆面變形為準則之疊塊牆面加勁擋土牆可靠度分析,第十五屆大地工程研討會,雲林,中華民國102年8月.
  • Liu, C. N., Ching, J. Y., Lau, D. W., and Lin, B. H., (2012), Reliability analysis of geosynthetic-reinforced soil segmental wall under the constrain of maximum wall face displacement,Fifth Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications (5APSSRA), 23-25
  • Wu, Y. C., Liu, C. N., Liu, I. C., and Chen, K. F., (2012), Hanging bag test of sludge filter through geotextiles, Geosynthetics Asia 2012, 5th Asian Regional Conference on Geosynthetics 13 to 16 December 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Liu, C. N., Wu, P. K., Ye, J. Y., and Lin, B. H., (2011), Observations of the soil particle movement during direct shear tests on soil-geosynthetic interfaces, International Symposium on Deformation Characteristics of Geomaterials, August 31~September 3, 2011, Seoul, Korea.
  • Wu, I. T., and Liu, C. N., (2011), Model test of geotextiles filter sludge , The 6th Conference on Civil and Ecological Engineering, Koushong, Oct. 2011. 
  • 吳宜澤、劉家男、陳谷汎(民國一百年),地工織布過濾汙泥之模型試驗,第十四屆大地工程研討會,桃園龍潭,中華民國100年8月。
  • 陳皆儒、劉家男、陳盈帆(民國一百年),土石流風險感認調查與風險準則建立之探討,第十四屆大地工程研討會,桃園龍潭,中華民國100年8月。
  • Liu, C. N., Lee W. F. Dong, J. J.,and Chen, C. J, (2010) Typical landslides in Ali mountain highway induced by typhoon Morakot, 4th Japan-Taiwan Joint Worlshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall, Sendai, Japan.
  • Dong, J.J., Liu, C. N., and Chen, C. J., (2010) Prospects and limitations for determining the parameters in physical-based regional landslide susceptibility model using back analysis technique, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2010, Vienna.
  • 董家鈞、劉家男、陳麒任(民國九十九年),降雨誘發山崩潛感分析模型之土壤強度參數逆分析實際案例,99年地質與地球物理年會暨研討會,台北,中華民國99年4月(本論文獲得優秀論文獎)
  • 葉真有、黃建文、何昱賢、陳皆儒、劉家男(民國九十八年),以大型直剪試驗探討地工格網/土壤互制行為之研究,第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,中華民國98年8月,編號G19
  • 林柏宏、李傳凱、何昱賢、劉家男(民國九十八年),地工合成材料應用於道路基層加勁行為之研究,第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,中華民國98年8月,編號G20
  • 陳景文、劉家男、張家銘、林伯融(民國九十八年),地工格網加勁土壤平面應變試驗之數值分析,第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,中華民國98年8月
  • Dong J. J., Chen, J. R., Liu, C. N., Rou, T. M, and Wu, I, T., (2009) Variation of the Probability and Significance of Factors on Debris Flows Occurrence after the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, The Next Generation of Research on Earthquake-induced Landslides: An International Conference in
  • Yang K. H., and Liu C. N.,(2009),Evolution of Failure Surface within Geosynthetics-Reinforced Soil Slope, 第十三屆大地工程研討會,宜蘭,中華民國98年8月,編號G16
  • Liu, C. N., Chen, J. R., Wei, C. H. (2009) Probabilistic Analysis of Performance Of Geogrid Reinforced Retaining Wall, The 10th International Conference of Structural Safety and Reliability (10th ICOSSAR), Osaka, Japan, paper No. 0239. 
  • Liu, C. N. (2008) Landslide Hazard Mapping Using Monte Carlo Simulation- A Case Study in Taiwan, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation & Rehabilitation (GEDMAR08), Nanjin, China, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Vol. 3, 189-
  • Liu, C. N., and Liu, B.-Y. (2008) Compression Tests of Geogrid Reinforced Soil, GeoAmericas 2008, Cancun, Mexico, paper No. 1011.
  • 劉家男、吳佳郡(民國九十六年),降雨誘發山崩之潛感分析,第十二屆大地工程研討會,南投溪頭,編號D3-10.
  • Liu, C. N., Wu, C. C (2007) Mapping Susceptibility of Rainfall-Triggered Shallow Landslides Using Probabilistic Approach, The 3nd World Forum of Chinese Scholars in Geotechnical Engineering, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  • Liu, C. N., Ho, Y. H., and Chen, T. C. (2007) Study of Granular Soil/Geosynthetic Interactions from Using Large Scale Direct Shear Tests, Geosynthetics 2007, Washington DC, USA, paper No. 11043. 
  • Liu, C. N., Liu, B.-Y., Chen, T. C., and Ho, Y. H. (2006) Study of Boundary Friction in Large-Scale Plane-Strain Apparatus, The 8th International Conference of geosynthetics, Yokohama, Japan, 8icg-150.
  • Liu, C. N., Huang, H. F., and Huang, J. J. (2005) Effect of Strong Ground Motion on The Characteristics and Potential of Debris Flows, International Conference of Landslide Risk Management, Vancouver, Canada, L080.
  • 魏君蓉、陳建勳、劉家男(民國九十四年),一維鑽探計畫最佳化之研擬,第十一屆大地工程研討會,台北金山,編號J10. (NSC94-2211-E-260-001-).
  • 黃筱芳、劉家男(民國九十四年),強地動對於土石流潛勢之影響,第十一屆大地工程研討會,台北金山,編號C33.
  • Chen, J. H., Liu, C. N., and Chang, W. J., (2004) Assess Liquefaction Potential Considering Spatial Variability in Soil Properties, International Symposium Engineering Practices and Performance of Soft Deposits, Osaka, Japan, pp.439-444. (NSC 92-2211-E-260-004)
  • Liu C. N. (2002) Distribution of Seepage-Induced Fluid Pressure in Landfill Cover Slopes, Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology and Global Sustainable Development, pp. 287-294.
  • Liu C. N., (2001) Effect of Geogrid on Reinforcing High Slopes, Symposium of the 14th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, pp. 837-842. (NSC-89-2921-Z-319-006-11).
  • Chen, R. H., Liu, C. N., Chen, K. S., and Chen, T. J. (2001), Seismic Performance and Failure Analysis of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Structures during Chi-Chi Earthquake,International Geosyntetics Engineering Forum- Seismic Design and Performance of Mechanically Stabilized
  • 李咸亨、劉家男、吳志明、郭政彥(民國九十年),適用於國內之液化潛能評估方法之研究,九十學年度集集地震土壤液化總評估研究研討會,65-72.
  • 陳國賢、陳榮河、劉家男(民國九十年),垃圾掩埋場沉陷預估模式之探討,第九屆大地工程研討會,桃園石門,編號A033.
  • Liu, C. N., and Gilbert, R. B.  (2000), A One-dimensional Numerical Model for Evaluating the Stability of Shallow Slopes ", Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Predictions, and Assessment, pp. 453-460.


  • 劉家男(民國101年),集水區之坡地崩塌與雨量特性及輸砂量間之關係--子計畫:考慮時地因素下土石流發生潛勢評估模式之研究(II),國科會計畫編號:101-2625-M-260-001
  • 劉家男(民國100年),集水區之坡地崩塌與雨量特性及輸砂量間之關係--子計畫:考慮時地因素下土石流發生潛勢評估模式之研究(I),國科會計畫編號:100-2625-M-260-002
  • 劉家男(民國100年),地工格網加勁擋土牆變形之可靠度分析(3/3),國科會計畫編號:99-2221-E-260-021-MY2
  • 劉家男(民國99年),地工格網加勁擋土牆變形之可靠度分析(2/3),國科會計畫編號:99-2221-E-260-021-MY2
  • 劉家男(民國98年),地工格網加勁擋土牆行為之可靠度分析,國科會計畫編號:98-2221-E-260-025-
  • 劉家男(民國98年),PET地工格網於道路基底層加勁行為之研究(3/3),國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2221-E-260-020-MY3
  • 劉家男(民國97年),PET地工格網於道路基底層加勁行為之研究(2/3),國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2221-E-260-020-MY3
  • 劉家男(民國96年),樁基礎承載力空間分布之研究,國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2221-E-260-021-
  • 劉家男(民國96年),PET地工格網於道路基底層加勁行為之研究(1/3),國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2221-E-260-020-MY3
  • 劉家男(民國96年),地工格網與土壤互制行為之研究與地工格網之工程應用,國科會計畫編號:NSC 95-2918-I-260-005
  • 劉家男(民國95年),由液化風險評估到鑽探最佳化-考慮隨機場概念(2/2) ,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫進度報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC 94-2211-E-260-001-.
  • 劉家男(民國94年),由液化風險評估到鑽探最佳化-考慮隨機場概念(1/2) ,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫進度報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC 93-2211-E-260-001-.
  • 劉家男(民國93年),液化風險評估-考慮隨機場概念,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC 92-2211-E-260-004.
  • 劉家男(民國92年),垃圾掩埋場沈陷行為之研究(3/3),行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC 90-2211-E-260-007.
  • 劉家男(民國92年),廢棄物掩埋場邊坡穩定分析-考慮地工合成材料之張力特性,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC 91-2211-E-260-005.
  • 劉家男(民國91年),垃圾掩埋場沈陷行為之研究(2/3),行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫進度報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC-89-2211-E-260-014.
  • 劉家男(民國90年),加勁邊坡受地震作用下之穩定性,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC-89-2921-Z-319-006-11.
  • 劉家男(民國90年),垃圾掩埋場沈陷行為之研究(1/3),行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫進度報告,國科會計畫編號:NSC-89-2211-E-260-006.