姓名 : 王國隆 (Linus Kuo-Lung WANG)
職稱:土木系教授兼任環境保護暨安全衛生中心安全衛生組 組長
  • 遙感探測於災害識別偵測及減災
  • 地工災害之物理模型試驗
  • 坡地災害境況模擬
  • 坡地災害之風險與衝擊
  • 邊坡受震災害

學歷 : 

  • 國立臺灣大學,博士,2001~2006
  • 倫敦大學倫敦學院,博士生,2004~2005 (教育部公費留學)
  • 國立臺灣大學,碩士,1995~1997
  • 國立臺灣大學,學士,1991~1995
  • 天主教私立黎明中學,1985~1991

經歷 : 

  • 國立暨南國際大學土木系,副教授,2016-
  • 國立暨南國際大學土木系,助理教授,2011-2016
  • 英國德倫大學地理系,訪問學者,2010-2011
  • 國立暨南國際大學土木系,兼任助理教授,2009-2010
  • 國立臺灣大學土木系,博士後研究,2006-2010
  • 防災國家型科技計畫辦公室,研究助理,1999-2002
  • 陸軍工兵學校,少尉教官,1997-1999
  • Soil Mechanics 土壤力學

  • Soil Dynamics 土壤動力學

  • Engineering Geology and Practice 工程地質與實習

  • Geographic information Sciences 地理資訊系統

  • General Physics I 普通物理I

  • General Physics II 普通物理II

  • Slope Stability Analysis and Design 邊坡穩定分析與設計

  • Remote Sensing Theory and Practice 遙感探測理論與實習

  • Calculus I 微積分I

  • Calculus II 微積分II

  • Civil Engineering Capstone Challenge (2) 土木工程實作(2)

  • Rock Mechanics 岩石力學

  • Intermediate Soil Mechanics 中等土壤力學

  • 遙感探測於災害識別偵測及減災 Hazard Identification and Mitigation with Remote Sensing

  • 地工災害之物理模型試驗 Physical Modeling of Geotechnical Hazard

  • 坡地災害境況模擬 Scenario Simulation of Landslide Hazard

  • 坡地災害之風險與衝擊 Risk and Impact of Landslide Hazard

  • 邊坡受震災害 Seismic Landslide Hazard

  • Symposium "Climate Change and Natural Hazards: coping with and managing hazards in the context of a changing climate,最佳論文獎,2019
  • 國立暨南國際大學全校教學評量 10%,邊坡穩定設計與分析,2016
  • 國立暨南國際大學優良導師,2016、2020
  • 第16屆大地工程研討會,優良論文獎,2015
  • 7th  International Conference on Sensing Technology, 最佳論文獎 (2013)
  • 第14屆大地工程研討會,優良論文獎,2011
  • 國科會,補助赴國外博士後研究,2009 (2010-2011)
  • 中華民國大地工程學會,博士論文獎,2007
  • 教育部,公費留學短期研究,2004
  • 財團法人中興工程顧問社,中興顧問研究獎學金,2003
  • Lin M-L, Chen Y-C, Tseng Y-H, Chang K-J, Wang K-L. Investigation of Geological Structures Using UAV Lidar and Its Effects on the Failure Mechanism of Deep-Seated Landslide in Lantai Area, Taiwan. Applied Sciences. 2021;11(21):10052. (SCI)
  • Tsai W-N, Chen C-C, Chiang C-W, Chen P-Y, Kuo C-Y, Wang K-L, et al. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) Monitoring for Landslides: Case Study in the Lantai Area, Yilan Taiping Mountain, Northeast Taiwan. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2021;9(929). (SCI)
  • 王國隆, 林俊廷, 吳建羣, 陳建帆, 邱亭瑋, 謝旻希 (2021年03月)。山坡地變形潛勢分級研究 – 以台北市內湖區為例。中國土木水利工程學刊。(EI, Scopus)。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • 王國隆, 陳昭維, 呂家豪, 汪俊彥, 林錫宏, 紀宗吉(2021年03月)。板岩地滑治理的挑戰~以廬山北坡為例。地工技術。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • 王國隆,陳建帆,邱亭瑋,林俊廷(2020年02月)。百公里外制敵機先的毫米變形偵測 ─ 差分干涉合成孔徑雷達分析。土木水利,47(1), 62-69。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • 王國隆、林俊廷、張竣瑋、林妍琇、洪志祥、洪政義、邱啟芳、傅桂霖(2019年12月)。結合高精度無人載具測量及差分干涉合成孔徑雷達與NDSI分析於土砂量體的評估方法。農工學報,64(5)。(EI)。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • 林俊廷、王國隆(2019年09月)。運用差分干涉合成孔徑雷達技術(DInSAR)與模糊歸屬度分析邊坡潛在滑動範圍。地工技術,161。本人為通訊作者。
  • 王國隆、李苡宣、陳俐文、吳晉維(2019年06月)。降雨引致邊坡地下水分析與分項係數及性能設計邊坡設計規範相關性探討。地工技術,160。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • 王國隆、林俊廷、賴正儒(2018年06月)。差分干涉合成孔徑雷達方法偵測活耀地表變形-以地震、地層下陷、坡體活動為例。大地技師,第16期。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • 王國隆, 林俊廷, 李苡宣, 陳俐文, 陳琮文, 賴正儒(2017年09月)。無人載具坡地災害調查及分析—以南投縣0601豪雨災害為例。地質,36卷,第3期,第50-54頁。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • Chi-Chin Tsai, Shang-Yi Hsu, Kuo-Lung Wang, Hsuan-Chih Yang, Wei-Kuang Chang, Chia-Han Chen, and Yu-Wei Hwang (2017, Feb). Geotechnical Reconnaissance of the 2016 ML6.6 Meinong Earthquake in Taiwan. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. (SCIE,EI, Scopus)
  • Kuo-Lung Wang, Jun-Tin Lin (2016, Nov). Landslide Displacement Investigation and Mechanism with Various Satellite Radar Data. IEICE Technical Report, Vol. 116, No. 319, 81-86. MOST 104-2625-M-260-002. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  • 蔡祁欽, 王國隆, 許尚逸, 楊炫智, 張為光, 陳家漢, 黃郁惟(2016年06月)。台南地震土壤液化與地工災害的踏勘調查。地工技術,No. 148, p17-30。
  • GL Ooi, PS Tan, ML Lin, KL Wang, Q Zhang, YH Wang(2016), Near real-time landslide monitoring with the smart soil particles, Japanese Geotechnical Society Special Publication 2 (28), 1031-1034 (Scopus)
  • 王國隆,黃志杰(2015年09月)。多軸無人載具進行豪雨引致山崩與堰塞湖 之調查分析- 以台14線74.5K 為例。中國土木水利工程學刊。 (EI, Scopus)。本人為第一作者、通訊作者
  • 王國隆,林俊廷(2015年1月)。運用 ALOS PALSAR 雷達影像之差分干涉成果於潛在崩塌地調查 – 以眉溪流域為例。航測及遙測學刊。第19卷第3期。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。 MOST 103-2625-M-260-001
  • 林美聆,陳永昇,王國隆,謝佑明,黃文昭(2014年09月)。公路邊坡工程設計規範(草案)研修。地工技術,141。
  • 王國隆,李友恒(2014年09月)。公路邊坡水文設計條件之探討。地工技術,141。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • 王國隆,黃志杰,林俊廷(2014年09月)。無人載具公路邊坡快速巡查分析初探。地工技術,141。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
  • Kuo-Lung Wang, Jun-Tin Lin, Meei-Ling Lin, Ching-Wee Lin, Hongey Chen, Tien-Chien Chen, Chih-Ming Tseng (2014, Mar). Large Scale Rainfall Induced Potential Landslide Analysis and Monitoring from DInSAR– A Case Study after Heavy Rainfall Event in 2006. Disaster Advances, Vol. 7(3). (Scopus). 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. MOST 103-2625-M-260-001
  • Tien-Chien Chen, Meei-Ling Lin, Kuo-Lung Wang (2014, Mar). Landslide Seismic Signal Recognition and Mobility for an Earthquake-Induced Rockslide in Tsaoling, Taiwan. Engineering Geology. (SCI).
  • 林美聆,王國隆,陳德偉,林育崇,謝佑明,黃文昭,田耘昇(2012年06月)。公路邊坡設計規範研修探討。地工技術,132, 35-44。
  • 林美聆*, 王國隆, 廖瑞堂, 余炳盛, 王元度, 費立沅, 紀宗吉, 林錫宏(2011年12月)。和雅地區順向坡受地震影響滑動潛能分析。中華水土保持學報,42(4): 336-344。(其它)。
  • Wang, Kuo-Lung and Lin, Meei-Ling (2011, Sep). Initiation And Displacement of Landslide Induced By Earthquake – A Study of Shaking Table Model Slope Test. Engineering Geology, 122(1-2),106-114. (SCI). NSC 97-2211-E-002-190. 本人為第一作者.
  • 王國隆,林美聆(2010年09月)。1-g條件下之大型邊坡模型受震行為。地工技術,125, 23-34。國科會:94-2211-E-002-039。本人為第一作者。
  • Wang, Kuo-Lung and Lin, Meei-Ling (2010, Apr). Development of Shallow Seismic Landslide Potential Map Based on Newmark’s Displacement: The Case Study of Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan. Environmental Earth Sciences, 60(4), 775-785. (SCI). NSC 94-2211-E-002-039. 本人為第一作者.
  • 林美聆,王國隆,陳天健,林聖琪(2009年12月)。莫拉克颱風重大土石流災害案例分析。地工技術,122,123-132。
  • 林美聆,黃紀禎,高贈智,王國隆(2009年09月)。集集地震邊坡滑動門檻條件。地工技術,121, 5-14。國科會:91-2211-E-002-051。
  • 王國隆,林美聆,林聖琪(2009年09月)。台灣中部地區集集地震及其後續的坡地災害。地質,28(3), 54-59。本人為第一作者。
  • 林美聆,王國隆,葉俊麟,林京翰,陳天健(2009年08月)。921震後坡地及土石流災害及其後續管理。土木水利,46(4), 101-110。
  • Lin, Meei-Ling and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2006, Aug). Seismic Slope Behavior In Large-Scale Shaking Table Model Test. Engineering Geology. (SCI). NSC 94-2211-E-002-039.
  • Lin, Meei-Ling, Wang, Kuo-Lung and Huang, Jih-Jen (2005, Jun). Debris Flow Run-Off Simulation and Verification – Case Study Of Chen-You-Lan Watershed, TAIWAN. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 5, 439-445. (SCI). NSC 89-2625-Z-002-000.
  • 陳天健,王國隆,洪鳳儀,劉東京,蔡修毓,林美聆(2001年12月)。桃芝颱風土石流災害特性與災因檢討。中華水土保持學報,32(4), 279-288。
  • 盧彥旭,洪鳳儀,王國隆,游鈴曉,林美聆(2000年12月)。921大地震之大地工程震災調查GIS資料庫及查詢系統建立。國土資訊系統通訊。
  • 林美聆,游繁結,林炳森,范正成,王國隆(2000年10月)。集集震後土石流二次災害危險性之評估。地工技術,81, 97-104。國科會:89-2921-Z-319-006-02。
  • 洪如江,林美聆,陳天健,王國隆(2000年10月)。921集集大地震相關的坡地災害,坡地破壞特性,與案例分析。地工技術,81, 17-32。國科會:89-2921-Z-319-006-06。

國內研討會 :

1. Kuo-Lung WANG, Meei-Ling LIN, Tien-Chien CHEN, and Jun-Tin LIN (2015, Jun). Debris Transportation Modeling Using Synthetic Aperture Radar - An Example of Chi-Shan River Catchment. 6th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 

2. Kuo-Lung Wang, Zji-Jie Huang, and Jun-Tin Lin (2015, Apr). Reinvestigation and analysis a landslide dam event in 2012 using UAV . European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, 奧地利. MOST 103-2625-M-260-001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 

3. K.-L. Wang & J.-T. Lin (2014, Nov). A basin scale assessment of landslide probability from differential interferometry of synthetic aperture radar. IALCCE 2014. MOST 103-2625-M-260-001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.

4. Kuo-Lung Wang, Meei-Ling Lin, Jun-Tin Lin, Ssu-Chung Huang, Ray-Tang Liao, Chao-Wei Chen (2014, Sep). Monitoring of the Evolution of a Deep-seated Landslide in Lushan Area, Taiwan. IAEG XII 2014. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. (EI) 

5. Meei-Ling Lin, Te-Wei Chen, Yu-Chung Lin, Tien-Chien Chen, Chun-Ya Su, Kuo-Lung Wang, Shiao-Yue Huang, Mei-Jen Chen (2014, Sep). Numerical Simulation of Debris Flow Affected Area Caused by Different Precipitations. IAEG2014. (EI) 

6. Kuo-Lung Wang, Yo-Ming Hsieh (2013, Dec). Using Motion Sensor for Landslide Monitoring. International Conference on Sensing Technology. 本人為第一作者. (EI) 

7. Kuo-Lung Wang, Jun-Tin Lin, Meei-Ling Lin, Ching-Wee Lin, Tien-Chien Chen, Chih-Ming Tseng, Hongey Chen, and Sheng-Chi Lin (2013, Apr). Investigation of Landslide from Deformation - Comparison of High Resolution DEM, Aero Photos Using Long Wave Length DInSAR. EGU General Assembly. NSC 101-2119-M-002-021. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.

8. Meei-Ling Lin, Ter-Wei Chen, Yu-Chung Lin, Tien-chien Chen, Kuo-Lung Wang, Hsiao-Yue Huang, and Mei-Jeng Chen (2013, Apr). Effects of Different Rainfalls on Run-out Distances and Affected Areas of Debris Flow. EGU General Assembly. 

9. K.-L. Wang, C.-C. Ho, J.-Y. Lin, and H.-S. Tsao (2012). Sediment Transport and Control of Keelung River - From Watershed Management Aspect. Vol. 14, EGU2012-6684. 

10. K.-L. Wang, J.-T. Liao, C.-W. Chen, M.-L. Lin, and H.-H. Lin (2012). Sliding Threshold Identification of a Deep-Seated Potential Landslide. Vol. 14, EGU2012-6278. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 

11. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Chen, T.-T., Lin, S.-C. (2011). “The case study of debris flow hazard caused by typhoon morakot in Taiwan, 2009” . 5th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment. (EI) 

12. Lin, M.-L.in, Wang, K.-L., Liao , J.-T., Yu, B.-S.,Lin, S.-C., Chen, C.-W., Fei, L.-Y., Chi, C.-C., Lin, H.-H., Chen, D.-W., Lin, Y.-C. (2011). Investigation and analysis of a landslide area subjected to faults and fracture materials- the Tsuiluan area in Central Taiwan. EGU General Assembly. 

13. Wang, K.-L., Petley, D., and Lin, M.-L. (2011). The applicability of landslide potential mapping in heavy rainfall event with mechanical approach. EGU General Assembly. 

14. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Chen, T.-C., Lin, S.-C. (2010). " Case study of severe debris flow hazard caused by typhoon Morakot, 2009". EGU General Assembly. 

15. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Lin, S.-C., Chen, C.-H., and Lin, H.-H. (2010). " A pseudo-3D rock fall scenario and risk assessment model – case study of Danfon site, Taipei ". EGU General Assembly. 

16. Wang, K.-L., Lin, M.-L., and Lin, C.-H. (2010). "Monitoring and Analysis of a Deep-Seated Landslide with Ground Basd LiDAR and Close Range Photogrammetry". 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference. 

17. Lin, M.-L. , Wang, K.-L. , Kao, C.-C., and Huang, J.-J. (2009). “Ground Motions and Landslide Displacements Caused by the Chi-Chi Earthquake” . International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake. 

18. Lin, M.-L. , Wang, K.-L. and Lin, S.-C. (2009). “Landslide Trend Analysis Following the Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan” . Land Dynamics in Mountainous Watersheds (part of International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake) . 

19. Lin, M.-L. and Wang, K.-L. (2009). “Modeling of seismic slope behavior with shaking table test” . The Next Generation of Research on Earthquake-induced Landslides:An International Conference in Commemoration of 10th Anniversary of the Chi-Chi Earthquake. 

20. Lin, M.-L., Lin, S.-C., Wang, K.-L., Fei, L.-Y.,Chi, C.-C., and Lin, H.-H. (2009). “Landslide Risk Assessment in Lushan Area, Taiwan” . EGU General Assembly. 

21. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Chen, T.-C., and Lin, S.-C. (2009). “Case study of severe debris flow hazard caused by typhoon morakot, 2009” . Geotechnical Hazards Induced by Typhoon Morakot. 

22. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Lin, S.-C., Liao, R.-T, Yu, B.-S., Fei, L.-Y.,Chi, C.-C., and Lin, H.-H. (2009). “The Landslide Mechanism of a Dip-slope at Herya, Taiwan” . EGU General Assembly. 

23. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., and Lin, S.-C. (2009). “Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards of Puli-Wushe Highway, Taiwan after Chi-Chi Earthquake” . EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2009.04. 

24. Wang, K.-L. , Lin, M.-L. , Lin, S.-C., Liao, R.-T., Lo, W. , Wang, T.-T., Fei, L.-Y.,Chi, C.-C., and Lin, H.-H. (2009). “Sliding Numerical Analysis and Monitoring of Lushan Landslide, Taiwan” . EGU General Assembly. 

25. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Lin, S.-C. and Liao, J.-T. (2008). “Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards of Puli-Wushe Highway and Lushan Area, Taiwan After Chi-Chi Earthquake” . 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards. 

26. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Wang, Y.-T., Cheng, H.-T., and Lin, J.-H. (2008). “The displacement analysis of seismic slope behavior - from shaking table model slope to in-situ case” . EGU General Assembly. 

27. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., and Kao, T.-C. (2008). “The Effects of Earthquake on Landslides- A Case Study of Chi-Chi Earthquake, 1999” . 10th International Symposium On Landslides And Engineered Slopes. 

28. Wang ,K.-L., Lin, M.-L., Lo, W., Wang, T.-T., Lai, Y.-T., and Wang, Y.-T. (2008). “The detection of a deep seated rock slide using remote sensing techniques” . EGU General Assembly. 

29. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L. and Wen, H.-Y. (2007). “Landslides and Debris Flow Hazard Mitigations in Taiwan Following ChiChiEarthquake, 1999” . 40 th Anniversary Commemorative Volume of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society. 

30. Ueng, T.-S., Lin, M.-L., Chang. W.-C., Chen, C.-H. and Wang, K.-L. (2007). “Shake Table Tests for Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering at NCREE, Taiwan” . 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. 

31. Wang, K.-L., and Lin, M.-L. (2007). “Rapid Assessment of Landslide Hazard Induced by Earthquake” . The Second International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction. 

32. Wang, Kuo-Lung and Lin, Meei-Ling (2007). “The run-out and recessional distances of granular slope based on shaking table model tests” . EGU General Assembly. 

33. Wang, Kuo-Lung, Dowman, Ian, and Lin, Meei-Ling (2007). “Estimation of Crustal Deformation From Newmark’s Displacement and Insar – The Case of Chi-Chi Earthquake” . International Workshop – Applications of SAR Data in Taiwan. 

34. Wang, Kuo-Lung, Lin, Meei-Ling and Dowman, Ian (2007). “The observation of landslide coupling uplift of earthquake with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar – the case study of Chi-Chi earthquake and Ju-Fen-Err mountain area” . EGU General Assembly. 

35. Lin, Meei-Ling and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2006). “Observation of the seismic slope behaviors in large-scale shaking table test” . EGU 3rd general assembly. 

36. Wang, Kuo-Lung, Lin, Meei-Ling, Dowman, Ian & Muller, Jan-Peter (2005). “Assessment of Landslides Caused by Earthquake – Case Study of Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan, 1999” . The 2nd EGU General Assembly. 

37. Lin, Meei-Ling and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2004). “Applicability of Infinite Slope Theory for Regional Seismic Slope Analysis Using Newmark’s Displacement” . Proceedings of the 15th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference. 

38. Lin, Meei-Ling, Ho, Ming-Hsien, and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2004). “Methods for Mapping of Affected Zones of Potential Debris Flow” . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hazard Zone Mapping of Hillslope. 

39. Lin, Meei-Ling, Wang, Kuo-Lung and Huang, Jih-Jen (2004). “Debris Flow Run-Off Simulation Using FLO-2D -- An Example Of Chui-Sue River Watershed, TAIWAN” . EGU04-A-05923, EGU 1st general assembly. 

40. Wang, Kuo-Lung and Lin, Meei-Ling (2004). “Seismic Slope Behavior In Large-Scale Shaking Table Model Test” . EGU04-A-00953, EGU 1st general assembly. 

41. Lin, M. -L. , Wang, K.-L., and Huang, G.-J. (2003). “Simulation and Analysis of Debris Flow of Chui-Sue River Watershed” . Watershed Management: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Watershed Management. 

42. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L. and Chen, T. C. Chen (2000). “Characteristics of the Slope Failure Caused by Chi-Chi Earthquake” . Proceedings of International Workshop on Annual Commemoration of Chi-Chi Earthquake. 

43. Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Yu, F.-C., Lin, P.-S. and Fan, J.-C. (2000). ”Evaluation of Debris Flow as Potential Secondary Hazard Caused by Chi-Chi Earthquake” . Proceedings of International Workshop on Annual Commemoration of Chi-Chi Earthquake. 

44. 王國隆、黃志杰、林俊廷(2014年8月),應用無人載具進行公路邊坡調查與分析,第十二屆結構工程研討會。

45. 何嘉浚、王國隆、吳政男(2013年09月)。石籠護岸之植物適性評估-以基隆河為例。第十五屆大地工程學術研究討論會。 

46. 林美聆、陳德偉、林育崇、陳天健、蘇群雅、王國隆、黃效禹、陳美珍(2013年09月)。莫拉克颱風土石流出影響範圍模擬與土石量體評估。第十五屆大地工程學術研討會。 

47. 王國隆(2012年12月)。基隆河主流河段沖淤變化探討。基隆河整體治理計畫(前期計畫)治理後之河川調查與評估成果說明會。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。 

48. 林美聆,林聖琪,王國隆,紀宗吉,林錫宏(2011年)。”重大山崩災害潛勢地區災害模擬與風險分析”。第14屆大地工程研討會。 

49. 林美聆,林彥志,許孝源,王國隆(2011年)。”邊坡受震滑移行為模擬與影響分析”。第14屆大地工程研討會。 

50. 林美聆,廖瑞堂,余炳盛,王國隆(2011年)。”翠巒岩體滑動探查與分析”。100年礦冶工程學會年會。 

51. 翁正宇,王國隆(2011年)。”台灣高鐵雲林地區地層下陷成因探討與趨勢分析”。2011土木與生態工程研討會。 

52. 林美聆,王國隆,廖瑞堂,余炳盛(2010年)。重大山崩災害潛勢地區災害模擬與監測(3/4) 。98年度強化方案成果研討會,2010。 

53. 林美聆,王國隆,廖瑞堂,余炳盛(2009年)。重大山崩災害潛勢地區災害模擬與監測(2/4) 。97年度強化方案成果研討會,2009。 

54. 林美聆,王國隆,廖瑞堂,羅偉,王泰典,林聖琪,費力沅,紀宗吉,林錫宏(2009年)。邊坡災害模擬與監測-廬山案例研究。第十三屆大地工程研討會。 

55. 林美聆,王國隆,廖瑞堂,羅偉,王泰典(2008年)。「重大山崩災害潛勢地區災害模擬與監測(1/4)」。96年度強化災害防救科技研發與落實運作方案成果研討會。 

56. 林美聆,王國隆,廖瑞堂,羅偉,王泰典,林聖琪,王元度,葉俊麟,陳昭維,吳俊揚,丁御崇,李仕勤,費力沅,紀宗吉,林錫宏(2008年)。「廬山岩體滑動區之滑動模擬與監測」。2008流域地質與坡地災害研討會。

57.  林美聆,王國隆,黃紀禎,高贈智(2007年)。「邊坡受震分析及潛能評估」。都會區及周緣坡地環境地質資料庫產製及防災研討會。 

58. 王國隆,林美聆(2007年)。「大型粒狀土壤邊坡振動台模型實驗」。第十二屆大地工程學術研討會。
59. 黃紀禎,林美聆,王國隆(2003年)。動態作用下之壩體邊坡放大效應分析。第十屆大地工程學術研討會, 。 

60. 林美聆,王國隆,賴達倫(2001年)。災害境況模擬與管理—以土石流為例。台北都會區地質災害研討會論文集。 

61. 王國隆,鍾俊弘,黃紀禎,林美聆(2001年)。出水溪流域土石流堆積潛勢區域之模擬。第九屆大地工程學術研討會論文集。 

國外研討會 :

  • Chen, K.F.*, Kao, C.M., Sung, W.P., Lin, C.C., Yeh, T.Y. Enhanced in situ anaerobic bioremediation of TCE-contaminated groundwater using nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI). 2011 International Conference on Frontier of Nanoscience and Technology, Kunming, China, September 28-29, 2011.
  • Chen, K.F.*, Chang, Y.C. Treatment of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in groundwater using enhanced persulfate oxidation. Water Convention 2011, Singapore, July 4-8, 2011.
  • Chen, K.F.*, Chen, T.Y., Chen, C.Y., Chang, Y.C. Natural attenuation of MTBE in a gasoline-contaminated aquifer: The role of intrinsic biodegradation. September 30-October 1, Vietnam, 2010.
  • Yen, C.H., Sheu, Y.T., Chen, K.F.* Water quality assessment and remedial strategy development of Carp Lake, Taiwan. The 5th IWA International Young Water Professionals Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 5-7, 2010.
  • Chen, K.F.*, Liang, S.H., Chen, T.Y., Kao, C.M., Chang, Y.C. Treatment of petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soil using persulfate oxidation: feasibility and comparative studies. 2010 
  • Liang, S.H., Kao, C.M., Kuo, Y.C., Chen, K.F., Surampalli, R.Y. Application of persulfate-releasing material to remediate MTBE and benzene contaminated groundwater. 2010 International AOP Conference, Taichung, Taiwan, March 29-30, 2010.
  • Chien, H.Y., Kao, C.M., Chen, K.F., Chen, S.C., Lee, M.S. Control of petroleum-hydrocarbon contaminated groundwater by intrinsic and enhanced bioremediation. IWA DIPCON 2009 13th International Specialized Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Integrated Watershed Management, Seoul, Korea
  • Ho, C., Shih, L.F., Chen, K.F.* Application of environmental forensics to contaminated sites, 2008 Kaohsiung City International Symposium of Remediation Technology on Soil and Groundwater Pollution, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 14-15, 2008. (Invited Speaker)
  • Chen, K.F.*, Kao, C.M., Liang, T.C. Enhanced in situ anaerobic biodegradation of trichloroethylene using iron nanoparticles as the source of hydrogen, The 4th International Symposium of Environmental Biotechnology, Tainan, Taiwan, August 13-14, 2008. (Invited Speaker)
  • Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M., Zhang, W.X., Chen, T.Y. Natural attenuation of a MTBE plume at an oil-refining site, The 231st ACS National Meeting, Division of Environmental Chemistry, Atlanta, GA, USA, March 26-30, 2006, Preprints of extended abstracts, 46(1), pp. 322-329
  • Chen, K.F., Zhang, W.X., Kao, C.M., Chen, T.Y. Risk-based remedial decisions at a fuel oil contaminated site in Taiwan, The 230th ACS National Meeting, Division of Environmental Chemistry, Washington, DC, USA, August 28-September 1, 2005, Preprints of extended abstracts, 45(2), pp. 185.
  • Chien, C.C., Kao, C.M., Chen, T.Y., Chen, K.F., Dong, C.D. Evaluation of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) removal efficiency at the water treatment plant of Cheng-Ching Lake, The 1st IWA-ASPIRE (Asia Pacific Regional Group) Conference & Exhibition, Singapore, July 10-15, 2005.
  • Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M., Wang, J.Y., Chen, T.Y. Natural attenuation of MTBE at two petroleum hydrocarbon spill sites, The 2nd International Conference on Environmental Concerns: Innovative Technologies and Management Options, Xiamen, China, October 12-15, 2004.
  • Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M., Fang, W.L., Chen, T.Y. Intrinsic bioremediation of MTBE-contaminated groundwater at a fuel-oil spill site, Asian Waterqual 2003 – IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, October 19-23, 2003.
  • Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M., Wang, J.Y., Chen, T.Y., Liao, Y.L. Evaluation of 2,4-DCP biodegradability under different redox conditions, Asian Waterqual 2003 – IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, October, 19-23, 2003.
  • Wu, L.C., Chen, K.F., Hou, F., Kao, C.M., Yang, G.C.C., Hung, C.H. Using health risk assessment to derive acceptable soil/groundwater remediation goals at a petroleum-hydrocarbon spill site, Asian Waterqual 2003 – IWA-Asia Pacific Regional Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 19-23 October, 20
  • Chen, K.F., Wu, F.C., Kao, C.M., Chen, T.Y., Chien, C.C. Water quality modeling and management in the Love River basin, Taiwan. Asian-Pacific Regional Conference on Practical Environmental Technologies, Tainan, Taiwan, December 18-21, 2003.
  • Chen, K.F., Wu, F.C., Kao, C.M., Chen, T.Y., Lin, T.F., Chiang, P.C. Development of remedial strategies for the Love River watershed, Taiwan”, Riversymposium 2003, 6th International River Management Symposium- Urban Rivers-Balancing the Expectations, Brisbane, Australia, September, 2-5,
  • Chen, K.F., Liao, Y.L., Chen, C.W., Kao, C.M. Water quality management in the Kaoping River watershed, Taiwan”, IWA 3th World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2002.
  • Kao, C.M., Wu, L.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, C.T., Yang, G.C.C. Application of health risk assessment to derive cleanup levels at a fuel-oil spill site, IWA 3th World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2002.
  • Chen, K.F., Fang, W.N., Liao, Y.L., Tsai, C.T., Kao, C.M. Investigation of natural DCP bioremediation at a chlorophenol contaminated aquifer, IWA 3th World Water Congress, Melbourne, Australia, 2002.
  • Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M., Huang, S.S., Lin, T.F., Chiang, P.C. Pollutant sources investigation and remedial strategies development for the Kaoping River basin, Taiwan. The 5th International River Symposium, Brisbane, Australia, 2002.
  • Kao, C.M., Chen, S.S., Lee, Y.H., Chen, K.F., Lei, S.E. Enhanced TCE dechlorination by complex organics under anaerobic conditions. 2nd World Congress of the International Water Association, Proceedings CD, October, Berlin, 2001.
  • Kao, C.M., ASCE, M., Huang, S.S., Wu, F.C., Chen, K.F., Lin, T.F., Chang, E.E., Chiang, C.P. Development of Kaoping River basin management strategies based on calculated carrying capacity, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Watershed Management, Taipei, Taiwan, 2001, pp.
  • Lin, C.T., Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M., Wu, L.C., Yang, G.C.C. Application of health risk assessment to derive soil/groundwater cleanup levels at a diesel fuel spill site, The 8th IWA ASIAN WATERQUAL 2001 - Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, Fukuoka, Japan, September 12-15, 2001.
  • Huang, S.S., Chen, K.F., Kao, C.M., Lin, T.F., Yan, Y.L., Chang, E.E., Chiang, P.C. Assessing the carrying capacity of the Kaoping River, The 7th International Workshop on Drinking Water Quality Management and Treatment Technology, Taiwan, May 29-31, 2001.
  • 中華民國大地工程學會,會員
  • 技術委員會(第七、八屆、第十二屆)
  • 規範委員會(第八屆)
  • 學術委員會(第十屆、第十一屆)
  • 山坡地監測準則編修小組副召集人、理事(第十一屆)
  • 教育推廣委員會主委、山坡地監測準則編修小組副主委、理事(第十二屆)
  • 學術委員會主委、理事(第十三屆)
  • ISSMGE, MEMBER, TC 309 committee (Machine Learning and Big Data)
  • ISSMGE, MEMBER, ATC 1 committee (Geotechnical Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change-induced Geo-disasters in Asia-Pacific Regions)
  • 財團法人地工技術研究發展基金會,贊助人,第十二屆編輯與出版委員會委員
  • 社團法人英國倫敦大學學院台灣校友會,監事(第一屆) (UCL, UK)
  • European Geosciences Union, member
  • American Geophysical Union, member
  • International Association for Natural Hazard Risk Management, member
  • Landslides, reviewer
  • Engineering Geology, reviewer
  • Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, reviewer
  • Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, reviewer
  • Disaster Advances, reviewer
  • Environmental Earth Sciences, reviewer
  • Journal of GeoEngineering, reviewer
  • Geosciences, MDPI, reviewer
  • Water , MDPI, reviewer
  • Sustainbility, MAPI, reviewer
  • Springer NATURE, reviewer
  • SEAGS & AGSSEA J., reviewer; associate editor
  • 台灣水利, reviewer
  • 航測及遙測學刊, reviewer
  • 地工技術, reviewer; 客座編輯
  • 5th GEDMAR, executive secretariat

國內論文發表 :

王國隆, 林俊廷, 陳建帆, 邱亭瑋(2020年09月)。台北市衛星雷達影像之潛在崩塌觀測。中華民國第15屆結構工程及第5屆地震工程研討會,台南。
朱訓廣, 王國隆(2020年09月)。自動化後處理解算大規模崩塌高精度GPS位移。第十八屆大地工程學術研究討論會。科技部:108-2625-M-260-001。本人為通訊作者。 
林俊廷, 王國隆(2020年09月)。以差分干涉合成孔徑雷達分析成果推估崩塌破壞深度-以南投縣清境地區為例。第十八屆大地工程學術研究討論會。科技部:108-2625-M-260-001。本人為通訊作者。
林柏宏, 王國隆(2020年09月)。廬山停車場位移變形行為探討與分析。第十八屆大地工程學術研究討論會。本人為通訊作者。 
黃奉琦,李苡宣,林俊廷,劉維則,陳振宇,王國隆(2018年05月)。以多時序無 人機空中偵察評估崩塌地二次災害潛勢。中華民國地質學會與中華民國地球 物理學會107 年年會暨學術研討會
林俊廷,王國隆(2015年09月)。運用雷達影像之差分干涉成果進行崩塌地 滑移量分析–以荖濃溪流域為例 。第十六屆大地工程研討會。(優良論文獎)  MOST 103-2625-M-260-001
黃志杰,王國隆(2015年09月)。以多軸無人載具建立數值地表模型進行之 邊坡影像分析 。第十六屆大地工程研討會。
林美聆,王國隆,廖瑞堂,余炳盛(2010年)。重大山崩災害潛勢地區災害模擬與監測(3/4) 。98年度強化方案成果研討會,2010。
林美聆,王國隆,廖瑞堂,余炳盛(2009年)。重大山崩災害潛勢地區災害模擬與監測(2/4) 。97年度強化方案成果研討會,2009。
黃紀禎,林美聆,王國隆(2003年)。動態作用下之壩體邊坡放大效應分析。第十屆大地工程學術研討會, 。

國外論文發表 :

Kuo-Lung WANG, Jun-Ting LIN, Yi-Hsuan LEE and Tsung-Wen CHEN (2021, Feb). Study on Research on Simulation of Shallow Collapse Behavior with Particle Flow – Case Study of Hongye landslide, Taiwan. XIII International Symposium on Landslides, Cartagena, Colombia. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 
Kuo-Lung WANG, Ching-Weei Lin, Meei-Ling Lin, Rou-Fei Chen, Ya-Ju Hsu, Chih-Yu Kuo, Chien-Chih Chen, Hsin-Hua Huang, Kuo Jen, Chang, Li-Wei Kuo, Chuen-Fa Ni, Bo-Hung Lin, Yi-Hsuan LEE (2020, May). Scientific Investigation and Monitoring Result of Lantai Potential Landslide. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者
Hsin-Hua Huang, Chun-Te Chen, Ya-Ju Hsu, Ching-Weei Lin, Rou-Fei Chen, Kuo-Lung Wang, Chih-Yu Kuo, Chien-Chih Chen, Li-Wei Kuo, Meei-Ling Lin, Ching-Ren Lin, and Pei-Ying Lin (2019, Apr). Constraining the spatial and depth extent of deep-seated, slow-moving landslides using seismic noise interferometry . EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria. 
Kuo-Lung Wang, Tsung-Wen Chen, Yi-Hsuan Lee, Meei-Ling Lin, and Jun-Tin Lin (2019, Apr). Preliminary study on the potential and affected areas of shallow landslide disaster . EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 
Kuo-Lung WANG, Li-Wen CHEN, Yi-Hsuan LEE, Bo-Hung LIN, Chin-Wei WU (2019, Feb). Adjustment of warning threshold for landslide with increasing rainfall intensity – a case study in central Taiwan. Symposium "Climate Change and Natural Hazards: coping with and managing hazards in the context of a changing climate , Padova, Italy. 本人為第一作者.  (最佳論文獎)
Kuo-Lung WANG, Jun-Tin LIN, Chao-Wei Chen, Jen-Ru Lai, Jin-Wei Wu, Meei-Ling Lin (2019, Jan). Verification Vertical Displacement of ALOS/ALOS2 with Dual Frequency GPS and Traditional Geotechnical Instrument. The Joint PI Meeting of JAXA Earth Observation Missions FY2018, Tokyo, Japan. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Lin, Jun-Ting and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2018, Oct). Assessment of Landslides Residual Deposits from Normalized Difference Sigma Naught and Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar. 8th Japan-Taiwan Workshop on Geotechnical Hazards from Large Earthquakes and Heavy Rainfall . 本人為通訊作者. 
Kuo-Lung WANG, Jun-Ting LIN, Yi-Hsuan LEE, Li-Wen CHEN, Jheng-Ru LAI, Tsung-Wen CHEN, Yo-Ming HSIEH, Meei-Ling LIN, Ray-Tang LIAO and Chao-Wei CHEN, Ching-Weei LIN (2018, Sep). Landslide Monitoring and Potential Assessment from Differential Interferometric Radar Analysis and Ground Instrumentations. INTERPRAEVENT 2018. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 
Kuo-Lung Wang, Yo-Ming Hsieh, Meei-Ling Lin (2018, Aug). Landslide seismic and tilting behavior sensor design with MEMS accelerometer. 2018 6th International Symposium on Sensor Science and 4th SPINTECH Technology. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 
Hsin-Hua Huang, Chun-Te Chen, Ya-Ju Hsu, Chih-Yu Kuo, Rou-Fei Chen, Meei-Ling Lin, Kuo-Lung Wang, Ching-Weei Lin, Ching-Ren Lin, and Pei-Ying Lin (2018, Jun). Constraining the spatial extent of deep-seated, slow-moving landslides using passive image interferometry. AOGS 15th Annual Meeting. 
Kuo-Lung Wang, Jun-Tin Lin, Yi-Hsuan Lee, Jheng-Ru Lai, Li-Wen Chen, Tsung-Wen Chen, Chin-Wei Wu, Meei-Ling Lin, and Hao-Nien Chen (2018, Apr). Rainfall induced landslide investigation and back analysis using UAV results and GPS monitoring results. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 
Meei-Ling Lin, Yi-Ting Wu, Kuo-Lung Wang, and Yo-Ming Hsieh (2018, Apr). Monitoring of the Deep-seated Landslide using MEMS- a Case Study of Lantai Landslide, Taiwan. EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. 
Feng-Chi Huang, Yi-Hsuan Lee, Kuo-Wei Chen, Chen-Yu Chen, Jiun-Ting Lin and Kuo-Lung Wang (2017, Sep). Emergency Assessment and Evaluation of landslides Volume – The Case Study in Hongye Village During Typhoon Meranti. THE 5TH International Conference On Geotechnical Engineering For Disaster Mitigation And Rehabilitation.
K.-L. Wang, Y.-M. Hsieh, J.-T. Lin and M.-H. Hsi (2017, Jun). Sliding behavior monitoring of a deep seated landslide with differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar, mems tiltmeter and unmanned vehicle images. 34th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC 2017). (Scopus)
Kuo-Lung Wang, Yo-Ming Hsieh, Meei-Ling Lin, Jun-Tin Lin, Yi-Hsuan Lee (2017, Jun). Observation and mapping of complex landslides using field investigation and remote sensed data. 4th World Landslide Forum 2017. MOST 105-2625-M-260-001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 
Kuo-Lung Wang, Jun-Tin Lin, Meei-Ling Lin, Ray-Tang Liao, Chao-Wei Chen, and Chung-Chi Chi, (2017, April). Deep seated landslide mapping and sliding mass assessment with DInSAR and UAV model. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria. MOST 105-2625-M-260-001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Kuo-Lung WANG, Jun-Tin LIN (2016, Nov). Landslide Displacement Investigation and Mechanism with Various Satellite Radar Data. ICSANE 2016. MOST 104-2625-M-260-002. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Yo-Ming Hsieh and Kuo-Lung Wang (2016, Jul). A low-cost slope monitoring device using off-the-shelf components. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE2016).
Kuo-Lung Wang, Zhi-Jie Huang (2016, Jul). Discover failure mechanism of a landslide dam using UAV. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE2016). MOST 103-2625-M-260-001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Jonathan P. Olds, W. Seah, Ramesh Rayudu, Linus K. L. Wang (2016, Jun). Accurate GPS-based ENergy harvesting Operated Relative positioning (AGENOR) for Land Deformation Monitoring and Landslide Detection. International Conference on Natural Hazards and Infrastructure.
Kuo-Lung Wang, Jun-Tin Lin. I-Hsuan Lee, Meei-Ling Lin, Chao-Wei Chen, Ray-Tang Liao, Chi, C.-C., Lin, H.-H. (2016, Apr). Potential Deep Seated Landslide Mapping from Various Temporal Data – Benchmark, Aerial Photo, and SAR. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria. MOST 103-2625-M-260- 001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Ghee Leng Ooi, Pin Siang Tan, Meei-Ling Lin, Kuo-Lung Wang, Qian Zhang and Yu-Hsing Wang (2015, Nov). Near real-time landslide monitoring with the smart soil particles. 15th Asian Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Kuo-Lung WANG, Meei-Ling LIN, Tien-Chien CHEN, and Jun-Tin LIN (2015, Jun). Debris Transportation Modeling Using Synthetic Aperture Radar - An Example of Chi-Shan River Catchment. 6th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.  MOST 103-2625-M-260-001
Kuo-Lung Wang, Zji-Jie Huang, and Jun-Tin Lin (2015, Apr). Reinvestigation and analysis a landslide dam event in 2012 using UAV . European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015,奧地利. MOST 103-2625-M-260-001. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 
K.-L. Wang & J.-T. Lin (2014, Nov). A basin scale assessment of landslide probability from differential interferometry of synthetic aperture radar. IALCCE 2014. MOST 103-2625-M-260-001.本人為第一作者、通訊作者.  MOST 103-2625-M-260-001 (Scopus)
Kuo-Lung Wang, Meei-Ling Lin, Jun-Tin Lin, Ssu-Chung Huang, Ray-Tang Liao, Chao-Wei Chen (2014, Sep). Monitoring of the Evolution of a Deep-seated Landslide in Lushan Area, Taiwan. IAEG XII 2014. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. (EI)
Meei-Ling Lin, Te-Wei Chen, Yu-Chung Lin, Tien-Chien Chen, Chun-Ya Su, Kuo-Lung Wang, Shiao-Yue Huang, Mei-Jen Chen (2014, Sep). Numerical Simulation of Debris Flow Affected Area Caused by Different Precipitations. IAEG2014. (EI)
Kuo-Lung Wang, Yo-Ming Hsieh (2013, Dec). Using Motion Sensor for Landslide Monitoring. International Conference on Sensing Technology. 本人為第一作者. (EI, 最佳論文獎)
Kuo-Lung Wang, Jun-Tin Lin, Meei-Ling Lin, Ching-Wee Lin, Tien-Chien Chen, Chih-Ming Tseng, Hongey Chen, and Sheng-Chi Lin (2013, Apr). Investigation of Landslide from Deformation - Comparison of High Resolution DEM, Aero Photos Using Long Wave Length DInSAR. EGU General Assembly. NSC 101-2119-M-002-021. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Meei-Ling Lin, Ter-Wei Chen, Yu-Chung Lin, Tien-chien Chen, Kuo-Lung Wang, Hsiao-Yue Huang, and Mei-Jeng Chen (2013, Apr). Effects of Different Rainfalls on Run-out Distances and Affected Areas of Debris Flow. EGU General Assembly.
K.-L. Wang, C.-C. Ho, J.-Y. Lin, and H.-S. Tsao (2012). Sediment Transport and Control of Keelung River - From Watershed Management Aspect. Vol. 14, EGU2012-6684.
K.-L. Wang, J.-T. Liao, C.-W. Chen, M.-L. Lin, and H.-H. Lin (2012). Sliding Threshold Identification of a Deep-Seated Potential Landslide. Vol. 14, EGU2012-6278. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Chen, T.-T., Lin, S.-C. (2011). “The case study of debris flow hazard caused by typhoon morakot in Taiwan, 2009” . 5th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment. (EI)
Lin, M.-L.in, Wang, K.-L., Liao , J.-T., Yu, B.-S.,Lin, S.-C., Chen, C.-W., Fei, L.-Y., Chi, C.-C., Lin, H.-H., Chen, D.-W., Lin, Y.-C. (2011). Investigation and analysis of a landslide area subjected to faults and fracture materials- the Tsuiluan area in Central Taiwan. EGU General Assembly.
Wang, K.-L., Petley, D., and Lin, M.-L. (2011). The applicability of landslide potential mapping in heavy rainfall event with mechanical approach. EGU General Assembly.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Chen, T.-C., Lin, S.-C. (2010). " Case study of severe debris flow hazard caused by typhoon Morakot, 2009". EGU General Assembly.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Lin, S.-C., Chen, C.-H., and Lin, H.-H. (2010). " A pseudo-3D rock fall scenario and risk assessment model – case study of Danfon site, Taipei ". EGU General Assembly.
Wang, K.-L., Lin, M.-L., and Lin, C.-H. (2010). "Monitoring and Analysis of a Deep-Seated Landslide with Ground Basd LiDAR and Close Range Photogrammetry". 17th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference.
Lin, M.-L. , Wang, K.-L. , Kao, C.-C., and Huang, J.-J. (2009). “Ground Motions and Landslide Displacements Caused by the Chi-Chi Earthquake” . International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake.
Lin, M.-L. , Wang, K.-L. and Lin, S.-C. (2009). “Landslide Trend Analysis Following the Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan” . Land Dynamics in Mountainous Watersheds (part of International Conference in Commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake) .
Lin, M.-L. and Wang, K.-L. (2009). “Modeling of seismic slope behavior with shaking table test” . The Next Generation of Research on Earthquake-induced Landslides:An International Conference in Commemoration of 10th Anniversary of the Chi-Chi Earthquake.
Lin, M.-L., Lin, S.-C., Wang, K.-L., Fei, L.-Y.,Chi, C.-C., and Lin, H.-H. (2009). “Landslide Risk Assessment in Lushan Area, Taiwan” . EGU General Assembly.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Chen, T.-C., and Lin, S.-C. (2009). “Case study of severe debris flow hazard caused by typhoon morakot, 2009” . Geotechnical Hazards Induced by Typhoon Morakot.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Lin, S.-C., Liao, R.-T, Yu, B.-S., Fei, L.-Y.,Chi, C.-C., and Lin, H.-H. (2009). “The Landslide Mechanism of a Dip-slope at Herya, Taiwan” . EGU General Assembly.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., and Lin, S.-C. (2009). “Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards of Puli-Wushe Highway, Taiwan after Chi-Chi Earthquake” . EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2009.04.
Wang, K.-L. , Lin, M.-L. , Lin, S.-C., Liao, R.-T., Lo, W. , Wang, T.-T., Fei, L.-Y.,Chi, C.-C., and Lin, H.-H. (2009). “Sliding Numerical Analysis and Monitoring of Lushan Landslide, Taiwan” . EGU General Assembly.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Lin, S.-C. and Liao, J.-T. (2008). “Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards of Puli-Wushe Highway and Lushan Area, Taiwan After Chi-Chi Earthquake” . 3rd Taiwan-Japan Joint Workshop on Geotechnical Natural Hazards.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Wang, Y.-T., Cheng, H.-T., and Lin, J.-H. (2008). “The displacement analysis of seismic slope behavior - from shaking table model slope to in-situ case” . EGU General Assembly.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., and Kao, T.-C. (2008). “The Effects of Earthquake on Landslides- A Case Study of Chi-Chi Earthquake, 1999” . 10th International Symposium On Landslides And Engineered Slopes.
Wang ,K.-L., Lin, M.-L., Lo, W., Wang, T.-T., Lai, Y.-T., and Wang, Y.-T. (2008). “The detection of a deep seated rock slide using remote sensing techniques” . EGU General Assembly.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L. and Wen, H.-Y. (2007). “Landslides and Debris Flow Hazard Mitigations in Taiwan Following ChiChiEarthquake, 1999” . 40 th Anniversary Commemorative Volume of the Southeast Asian Geotechnical Society.
Ueng, T.-S., Lin, M.-L., Chang. W.-C., Chen, C.-H. and Wang, K.-L. (2007). “Shake Table Tests for Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering at NCREE, Taiwan” . 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering.
Wang, K.-L., and Lin, M.-L. (2007). “Rapid Assessment of Landslide Hazard Induced by Earthquake” . The Second International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction.
Wang, Kuo-Lung and Lin, Meei-Ling (2007). “The run-out and recessional distances of granular slope based on shaking table model tests” . EGU General Assembly.
Wang, Kuo-Lung, Dowman, Ian, and Lin, Meei-Ling (2007). “Estimation of Crustal Deformation From Newmark’s Displacement and Insar – The Case of Chi-Chi Earthquake” . International Workshop – Applications of SAR Data in Taiwan.
Wang, Kuo-Lung, Lin, Meei-Ling and Dowman, Ian (2007). “The observation of landslide coupling uplift of earthquake with Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar – the case study of Chi-Chi earthquake and Ju-Fen-Err mountain area” . EGU General Assembly.
Lin, Meei-Ling and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2006). “Observation of the seismic slope behaviors in large-scale shaking table test” . EGU 3rd general assembly.
Wang, Kuo-Lung, Lin, Meei-Ling, Dowman, Ian & Muller, Jan-Peter (2005). “Assessment of Landslides Caused by Earthquake – Case Study of Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan, 1999” . The 2nd EGU General Assembly.
Lin, Meei-Ling and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2004). “Applicability of Infinite Slope Theory for Regional Seismic Slope Analysis Using Newmark’s Displacement” . Proceedings of the 15th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference.
Lin, Meei-Ling, Ho, Ming-Hsien, and Wang, Kuo-Lung (2004). “Methods for Mapping of Affected Zones of Potential Debris Flow” . Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hazard Zone Mapping of Hillslope.
Lin, Meei-Ling, Wang, Kuo-Lung and Huang, Jih-Jen (2004). “Debris Flow Run-Off Simulation Using FLO-2D -- An Example Of Chui-Sue River Watershed, TAIWAN” . EGU04-A-05923, EGU 1st general assembly.
Wang, Kuo-Lung and Lin, Meei-Ling (2004). “Seismic Slope Behavior In Large-Scale Shaking Table Model Test” . EGU04-A-00953, EGU 1st general assembly.
Lin, M. -L. , Wang, K.-L., and Huang, G.-J. (2003). “Simulation and Analysis of Debris Flow of Chui-Sue River Watershed” . Watershed Management: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Watershed Management.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L. and Chen, T. C. Chen (2000). “Characteristics of the Slope Failure Caused by Chi-Chi Earthquake” . Proceedings of International Workshop on Annual Commemoration of Chi-Chi Earthquake.
Lin, M.-L., Wang, K.-L., Yu, F.-C., Lin, P.-S. and Fan, J.-C. (2000). ”Evaluation of Debris Flow as Potential Secondary Hazard Caused by Chi-Chi Earthquake” . Proceedings of International Workshop on Annual Commemoration of Chi-Chi Earthquake.