- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ocean engineering, Bio-Fluid Mechanics.
學士 國立台灣大學 (71~75)
碩士 國立台灣大學 (75~77)
博士 國立台灣大學 (77~82)
- B.S., National Taiwan University.
- M.S., Natioanl Taiwan University.
- Ph.D., National Taiwan University.
Visiting fellow, The George Washington University, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (95/02~95/05)
國立暨南國際大學土木工程學系助理教授 (89/08~93/07)
中央研究院物理所博士後研究 (85/06~89/07)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ocean engineering, Bio-Fluid Mechanics.
1. A. Sau, Y. F. Peng, and R. R. Hwang, 2016, “Spanwise bifurcations beneath the bluff-body instability modes,” Physics of Fluids, 28(6), 063601, pp.1-20.(SCI, IF = 2.017, Mechanics: 35/135, Times cited = 0)
2. Y. F. Peng* and A. Sau, 2015, “Transitional hysteresis loop and coexistence of synchronized shedding in coupled wakes,” Physics of Fluids, 27(7), 074104, pp.1-23.
(SCI, IF = 2.017, Mechanics: 35/135, Times cited = 2)
3. Y. F. Peng*, 2013, “On the sub-critical bifurcation of anti-phase and in-phase synchronized vortex shedding forms,” Journal of Modern Physics, 4(5), pp.89-95. (EI)
4. I. C. Liu, H. H. Wang, and Y. F. Peng, 2013, “Flow and heat transfer for three-dimensional flow over an exponentially stretching surface,” Chemical Engineering Communications, 200(2), pp.253-268.
(SCI, IF = 1.433, Engineering, Chemical: 67/135, Times cited = 33)
5. Y. F. Peng, A. Sau, W. C. Yang, and C. M. Hsieh, 2012, “Criticality of flow transition behind two side-by-side elliptic cylinders,” Physics of Fluids, 24(3), 034102, pp.1-36.
(SCI, IF = 2.017, Mechanics: 35/135, Times cited = 4)
6. Y. F. Peng*, R. Mittal, A. Sau, R. R. Hwang, 2010, “Nested Cartesian grid method in incompressible viscous fluid flow,” Journal of Computational Physics, 229(19), pp. 7072-7101.
(SCI, IF = 2.556, Physics, Mathematical: 3/53, Times cited = 7)
7. C. N. Liu, J. J. Dong, Y. F. Peng, and H. F. Huang, 2009, “Effects of strong ground motion on the susceptibility of gully type debris flows,” Engineering Geology, 104(3), pp. 241-253.
(SCI, IF = 2.196, Engineering, Geological: 6/35, Times cited = 24)
8. Y. F. Peng*, 2008, “Study on a nested Cartesian grid method,” International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, 2(10), pp.241-248. (EI)
9. Y. H. Shiau and Y. F. Peng, 2006, “Nonlinear electro-optic characteristic in a photoexcited semiconductor,” Solid State Communications, 139(3), pp.114-119.
(SCI, IF = 1.458, Physics, Condensed Matter: 43/67, Times cited = 1)
10. Y. H. Shiau and Y. F. Peng, 2005, “Long-lived transient behavior in an n(+)-n-n(+) semiconductor device with optical stochasticity,” Physical Review E, 71(6), No. 066216.
(SCI, IF = 2.252, Physics, Mathematical: 6/53, Times cited = 2)
11. Y. F. Peng*, 2004, “On the bi-stabilities of vortex shedding flows behind a pair of square solids,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 27(3), pp.385-393.
(SCI, IF = 0.246, Engineering, Multidisciplinary: 81/85, Times cited = 3)
12. Y. H. Shiau, Y. F. Peng, and C. K. Hu, 2003, “Multistability and chaos in a semiconductor microwave device with time-delay feedback,” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (Letter section), 72(4), pp.801-804.
(SCI, IF = 1.559, SC = Physics, Multidisciplinary = 31/79, Times cited = 3)
13. Y. F. Peng, Y. H. Shiau, and R. R. Hwang, 2003, “Transition in a 2-D lid-driven cavity flow,” Computers & Fluids, 32(3), pp.337-352.
(SCI, IF = 1.891, Mechanics: 39/135, Times cited = 75)
14. Y. F. Peng and Robert R. Hwang, 1999, “On the three-dimensional study of flows over a fence in a duct,” International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 12(2), pp.119-132.
(SCI, IF = 0.772, Times cited = 0)
15. Y. H. Shiau, Y. F. Peng, Robert R. Hwang, and C. K. Hu, 1999, “Multistability and symmetry breaking in the two-dimensional flow around a square cylinder,” Physical Review E, 60(5), pp.6188-6191.
(SCI, IF = 2.252, Times cited = 9)
16. Y. F. Peng and Robert R. Hwang, 1999, “A numerical study on turbulent vortex-shedding flows around a cubical form,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 22(5), pp.639-648.
(SCI, IF = 0.246, Times cited = 1)
17. R. R. Hwang, Y. C. Chow, and Y. F. Peng, 1999, “Numerical study of turbulent flow over two-dimensional surface mounted ribs in a channel,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 31(4), pp.767-785.
(SCI, IF = 1.447, Times cited = 16)
18. Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang, 1998, “Effect of the aspect ratio on the flow over a fence in a duct,” Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, 30(4), pp.253-260. (EI)
19. R. R. Hwang and Y. F. Peng, 1995, “Computation of backward-facing step flows by a second-order Reynolds stress closure model,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 21(3), pp.223-235.
(SCI, IF = 1.447, Times cited = 4)
20. R. R. Hwang and Y. F. Peng, 1994, “Development of a Reynolds stress model with a cross diffusion of k in the ϵ equation,” International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2(2), pp.161-172.
(SCI, IF = 0.772, Times cited = 0)
21. R. R. Hwang and Y. F. Peng, 1994, “Effects of near-wall approach methods on the predictions of complex flows with flow separation and secondary reversed flow,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 17(3), pp.421-428.
(SCI, IF = 0.246, Times cited = 2)
22. R. R. Hwang, T. R. Wang and Y. F. Peng, 1990, “Development of an Anisotropic Turbulence Model for Prediction of Turbulence Flows,” Proc. of the National Science Council, R. O. C., Part A, 14(5), pp.380-388.
23. R. R. Hwang, Y. F. Peng, and W. C. Yang. 1990, “Multiple-Port Buoyant Jets in Density Stratified Cross Flow,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 13(5), pp.543-553.
- 彭逸凡,1988,《多孔排放射流浮昇效應之研究》,臺大造船系碩士論文
- 彭逸凡,1993,《非等向性雷諾應力紊流模式之發展及應用》,臺大造船及海洋工程系博士論文
1. Y. F. Peng*, 2013, “On the sub-critical bifurcation of anti-phase and in-phase synchronized vortex shedding forms,” 2013 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET 2013), 60422, Wuhan, China. (EI)
2. Y. F. Peng* and C. M. Hsieh, 2007, “Study on structured multi-block Cartesian grid method,” Proceedings of 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 2061-2068. (EI)
3. C. M. Hsieh, R. R. Hwang, Y. F. Peng, W. C. Yang and M. J. Chern, 2007, “Numerical simulation of solitary wave running and breaking on a sloping bed,” Proceedings of 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 2321-2326. (EI)
4. W. C. Yang, R. R. Hwang, C. M. Hsieh and Y. F. Peng, 2005, “Interaction of Nonlinear Progressive waves with Two Serial Arranged Submerged Obstacles,” XXXI IAHR Congress, pp.3906~3914, September 11~16, 2005, Seoul, Korea. (EI)
5. Y. F. Pengand R. R. Hwang, 2000, “Transition in a lid-driven cavity flow,” ICTAM 2000, Chicago, Illinoin, U. S. A., August 27-September 2, 2000.
- 佘霽剛,王文彥,彭逸凡*,2014,流過一對並列橢圓柱同相位/異相位渦漩逸出流況之遲滯迴圈過程研究,第二十一屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,南投,論文編號01-02。
- 潘宜婷,王文彥,彭逸凡*,2014,一渠道內以低雷諾數流場流過突起物之數值研究,第二十一屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,南投,論文編號01-03。
- 謝志敏,黃榮鑑,陳明志,彭逸凡,以 SPH 法模擬自由液面流場,第十四屆全國計算流體力學會議研討會,南投,CFD-C31第1-13頁。
- 謝志敏,楊文昌,彭逸凡,黃榮鑑,斜坡上孤立波的傳播與破碎,第二十八屆海洋工程研討會,高雄,第193~198頁。
- 許泰文、彭逸凡、謝志敏、楊文昌、黃榮鑑,2002,“應用數值模擬波浪通過不透水雙列潛堤之渦流特性”,第二十六屆全國力學會議,雲林,。
- Y. F. Peng and I. C. Liu,2002,“On the vortex shedding flows behind two side-by-side square cylinders”,第二十六屆全國力學會議,雲林,。
- Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang,2001,“On the vortex shedding flows behind a pair of square cylinders”,第二十五屆全國力學會議,台中,。
- Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang,2001,“Transition in a lid-driven cavity flow”,第三屆海峽兩岸計算流體力學研討會,台南,。
- 彭逸凡、黃榮鑑,2000,“二維穴流中層流至渾沌流動的轉換過程”,第二十四屆全國力學會議,中壢,。
- Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang,1999,“Transition from laminar to chaotic flow in lid-driven cavity”,第六屆全國計算流體力學研討會,台東。
1. 彭逸凡*,2015,流過隆丘流場之數值計算研究,科技部一般型研究計畫。
2. 彭逸凡*,2013,流過並排橢圓之流場轉變過程研究(II),國科會一般型研究計畫。
3. 彭逸凡*,2012,流過並排橢圓之流場轉變過程研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
4. 彭逸凡*,2011,巢狀卡式網格法於含複雜邊界流場之應用,國科會一般型研究計畫。
5. 彭逸凡*,2010,巢狀卡式網格法於含自由液面及複雜邊界三維流場之發展及應用(II),國科會一般型研究計畫。
6. 彭逸凡*,2009,巢狀卡式網格法於含自由液面及複雜邊界三維流場之發展及應用,國科會一般型研究計畫。
7. 彭逸凡*,2008,地震下水庫水動力反應與潰壩之實驗及數值分析研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
8. 彭逸凡*,2007,以卡氏網格模擬含複雜及移動邊界流場之數值研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
9. 彭逸凡*,2006,移動邊界結構物與流體交互作用之數值研究,國科會補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究。
10. 彭逸凡*,2006,旋轉同心圓柱間流場轉變過程之研究(I),國科會一般型研究計畫。
11. 彭逸凡*,2005,流過交錯分佈方柱流場轉變過程之研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
1. 彭逸凡*,王貞儒,2011,「100年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國一百年十二月,報告編號SWCB-100-099。
2. 王貞儒,彭逸凡,2010,「99年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十九年十二月,報告編號SWCB-99-212。
3. 彭逸凡*,劉家男,2009,「98年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十八年十二月,報告編號SWCB-98-101。
4. 彭逸凡*,劉家男,2008,「97年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十七年十二月,報告編號SWCB-97-114。
5. 劉家男,彭逸凡,2007,「96年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十六年十二月,報告編號SWCB-96-123。
6. 劉家男,彭逸凡,2006,「土石流自主防災社區推動及考評機制研擬」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十五年十二月,報告編號SWCB-95-077。
學士 國立台灣大學 (71~75)
碩士 國立台灣大學 (75~77)
博士 國立台灣大學 (77~82)
- B.S., National Taiwan University.
- M.S., Natioanl Taiwan University.
- Ph.D., National Taiwan University.
Visiting fellow, The George Washington University, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (95/02~95/05)
國立暨南國際大學土木工程學系助理教授 (89/08~93/07)
中央研究院物理所博士後研究 (85/06~89/07)
- Computational Fluid Dynamics, Ocean engineering, Bio-Fluid Mechanics.
1. A. Sau, Y. F. Peng, and R. R. Hwang, 2016, “Spanwise bifurcations beneath the bluff-body instability modes,” Physics of Fluids, 28(6), 063601, pp.1-20.(SCI, IF = 2.017, Mechanics: 35/135, Times cited = 0)
2. Y. F. Peng* and A. Sau, 2015, “Transitional hysteresis loop and coexistence of synchronized shedding in coupled wakes,” Physics of Fluids, 27(7), 074104, pp.1-23.
(SCI, IF = 2.017, Mechanics: 35/135, Times cited = 2)
3. Y. F. Peng*, 2013, “On the sub-critical bifurcation of anti-phase and in-phase synchronized vortex shedding forms,” Journal of Modern Physics, 4(5), pp.89-95. (EI)
4. I. C. Liu, H. H. Wang, and Y. F. Peng, 2013, “Flow and heat transfer for three-dimensional flow over an exponentially stretching surface,” Chemical Engineering Communications, 200(2), pp.253-268.
(SCI, IF = 1.433, Engineering, Chemical: 67/135, Times cited = 33)
5. Y. F. Peng, A. Sau, W. C. Yang, and C. M. Hsieh, 2012, “Criticality of flow transition behind two side-by-side elliptic cylinders,” Physics of Fluids, 24(3), 034102, pp.1-36.
(SCI, IF = 2.017, Mechanics: 35/135, Times cited = 4)
6. Y. F. Peng*, R. Mittal, A. Sau, R. R. Hwang, 2010, “Nested Cartesian grid method in incompressible viscous fluid flow,” Journal of Computational Physics, 229(19), pp. 7072-7101.
(SCI, IF = 2.556, Physics, Mathematical: 3/53, Times cited = 7)
7. C. N. Liu, J. J. Dong, Y. F. Peng, and H. F. Huang, 2009, “Effects of strong ground motion on the susceptibility of gully type debris flows,” Engineering Geology, 104(3), pp. 241-253.
(SCI, IF = 2.196, Engineering, Geological: 6/35, Times cited = 24)
8. Y. F. Peng*, 2008, “Study on a nested Cartesian grid method,” International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, 2(10), pp.241-248. (EI)
9. Y. H. Shiau and Y. F. Peng, 2006, “Nonlinear electro-optic characteristic in a photoexcited semiconductor,” Solid State Communications, 139(3), pp.114-119.
(SCI, IF = 1.458, Physics, Condensed Matter: 43/67, Times cited = 1)
10. Y. H. Shiau and Y. F. Peng, 2005, “Long-lived transient behavior in an n(+)-n-n(+) semiconductor device with optical stochasticity,” Physical Review E, 71(6), No. 066216.
(SCI, IF = 2.252, Physics, Mathematical: 6/53, Times cited = 2)
11. Y. F. Peng*, 2004, “On the bi-stabilities of vortex shedding flows behind a pair of square solids,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 27(3), pp.385-393.
(SCI, IF = 0.246, Engineering, Multidisciplinary: 81/85, Times cited = 3)
12. Y. H. Shiau, Y. F. Peng, and C. K. Hu, 2003, “Multistability and chaos in a semiconductor microwave device with time-delay feedback,” Journal of the Physical Society of Japan (Letter section), 72(4), pp.801-804.
(SCI, IF = 1.559, SC = Physics, Multidisciplinary = 31/79, Times cited = 3)
13. Y. F. Peng, Y. H. Shiau, and R. R. Hwang, 2003, “Transition in a 2-D lid-driven cavity flow,” Computers & Fluids, 32(3), pp.337-352.
(SCI, IF = 1.891, Mechanics: 39/135, Times cited = 75)
14. Y. F. Peng and Robert R. Hwang, 1999, “On the three-dimensional study of flows over a fence in a duct,” International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 12(2), pp.119-132.
(SCI, IF = 0.772, Times cited = 0)
15. Y. H. Shiau, Y. F. Peng, Robert R. Hwang, and C. K. Hu, 1999, “Multistability and symmetry breaking in the two-dimensional flow around a square cylinder,” Physical Review E, 60(5), pp.6188-6191.
(SCI, IF = 2.252, Times cited = 9)
16. Y. F. Peng and Robert R. Hwang, 1999, “A numerical study on turbulent vortex-shedding flows around a cubical form,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 22(5), pp.639-648.
(SCI, IF = 0.246, Times cited = 1)
17. R. R. Hwang, Y. C. Chow, and Y. F. Peng, 1999, “Numerical study of turbulent flow over two-dimensional surface mounted ribs in a channel,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 31(4), pp.767-785.
(SCI, IF = 1.447, Times cited = 16)
18. Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang, 1998, “Effect of the aspect ratio on the flow over a fence in a duct,” Transactions of the Aeronautical and Astronautical Society of the Republic of China, 30(4), pp.253-260. (EI)
19. R. R. Hwang and Y. F. Peng, 1995, “Computation of backward-facing step flows by a second-order Reynolds stress closure model,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 21(3), pp.223-235.
(SCI, IF = 1.447, Times cited = 4)
20. R. R. Hwang and Y. F. Peng, 1994, “Development of a Reynolds stress model with a cross diffusion of k in the ϵ equation,” International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2(2), pp.161-172.
(SCI, IF = 0.772, Times cited = 0)
21. R. R. Hwang and Y. F. Peng, 1994, “Effects of near-wall approach methods on the predictions of complex flows with flow separation and secondary reversed flow,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 17(3), pp.421-428.
(SCI, IF = 0.246, Times cited = 2)
22. R. R. Hwang, T. R. Wang and Y. F. Peng, 1990, “Development of an Anisotropic Turbulence Model for Prediction of Turbulence Flows,” Proc. of the National Science Council, R. O. C., Part A, 14(5), pp.380-388.
23. R. R. Hwang, Y. F. Peng, and W. C. Yang. 1990, “Multiple-Port Buoyant Jets in Density Stratified Cross Flow,” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 13(5), pp.543-553.
- 彭逸凡,1988,《多孔排放射流浮昇效應之研究》,臺大造船系碩士論文
- 彭逸凡,1993,《非等向性雷諾應力紊流模式之發展及應用》,臺大造船及海洋工程系博士論文
1. Y. F. Peng*, 2013, “On the sub-critical bifurcation of anti-phase and in-phase synchronized vortex shedding forms,” 2013 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET 2013), 60422, Wuhan, China. (EI)
2. Y. F. Peng* and C. M. Hsieh, 2007, “Study on structured multi-block Cartesian grid method,” Proceedings of 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 2061-2068. (EI)
3. C. M. Hsieh, R. R. Hwang, Y. F. Peng, W. C. Yang and M. J. Chern, 2007, “Numerical simulation of solitary wave running and breaking on a sloping bed,” Proceedings of 17th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 2321-2326. (EI)
4. W. C. Yang, R. R. Hwang, C. M. Hsieh and Y. F. Peng, 2005, “Interaction of Nonlinear Progressive waves with Two Serial Arranged Submerged Obstacles,” XXXI IAHR Congress, pp.3906~3914, September 11~16, 2005, Seoul, Korea. (EI)
5. Y. F. Pengand R. R. Hwang, 2000, “Transition in a lid-driven cavity flow,” ICTAM 2000, Chicago, Illinoin, U. S. A., August 27-September 2, 2000.
- 佘霽剛,王文彥,彭逸凡*,2014,流過一對並列橢圓柱同相位/異相位渦漩逸出流況之遲滯迴圈過程研究,第二十一屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,南投,論文編號01-02。
- 潘宜婷,王文彥,彭逸凡*,2014,一渠道內以低雷諾數流場流過突起物之數值研究,第二十一屆全國計算流體力學學術研討會,南投,論文編號01-03。
- 謝志敏,黃榮鑑,陳明志,彭逸凡,以 SPH 法模擬自由液面流場,第十四屆全國計算流體力學會議研討會,南投,CFD-C31第1-13頁。
- 謝志敏,楊文昌,彭逸凡,黃榮鑑,斜坡上孤立波的傳播與破碎,第二十八屆海洋工程研討會,高雄,第193~198頁。
- 許泰文、彭逸凡、謝志敏、楊文昌、黃榮鑑,2002,“應用數值模擬波浪通過不透水雙列潛堤之渦流特性”,第二十六屆全國力學會議,雲林,。
- Y. F. Peng and I. C. Liu,2002,“On the vortex shedding flows behind two side-by-side square cylinders”,第二十六屆全國力學會議,雲林,。
- Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang,2001,“On the vortex shedding flows behind a pair of square cylinders”,第二十五屆全國力學會議,台中,。
- Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang,2001,“Transition in a lid-driven cavity flow”,第三屆海峽兩岸計算流體力學研討會,台南,。
- 彭逸凡、黃榮鑑,2000,“二維穴流中層流至渾沌流動的轉換過程”,第二十四屆全國力學會議,中壢,。
- Y. F. Peng and R. R. Hwang,1999,“Transition from laminar to chaotic flow in lid-driven cavity”,第六屆全國計算流體力學研討會,台東。
1. 彭逸凡*,2015,流過隆丘流場之數值計算研究,科技部一般型研究計畫。
2. 彭逸凡*,2013,流過並排橢圓之流場轉變過程研究(II),國科會一般型研究計畫。
3. 彭逸凡*,2012,流過並排橢圓之流場轉變過程研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
4. 彭逸凡*,2011,巢狀卡式網格法於含複雜邊界流場之應用,國科會一般型研究計畫。
5. 彭逸凡*,2010,巢狀卡式網格法於含自由液面及複雜邊界三維流場之發展及應用(II),國科會一般型研究計畫。
6. 彭逸凡*,2009,巢狀卡式網格法於含自由液面及複雜邊界三維流場之發展及應用,國科會一般型研究計畫。
7. 彭逸凡*,2008,地震下水庫水動力反應與潰壩之實驗及數值分析研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
8. 彭逸凡*,2007,以卡氏網格模擬含複雜及移動邊界流場之數值研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
9. 彭逸凡*,2006,移動邊界結構物與流體交互作用之數值研究,國科會補助科學與技術人員國外短期研究。
10. 彭逸凡*,2006,旋轉同心圓柱間流場轉變過程之研究(I),國科會一般型研究計畫。
11. 彭逸凡*,2005,流過交錯分佈方柱流場轉變過程之研究,國科會一般型研究計畫。
1. 彭逸凡*,王貞儒,2011,「100年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國一百年十二月,報告編號SWCB-100-099。
2. 王貞儒,彭逸凡,2010,「99年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十九年十二月,報告編號SWCB-99-212。
3. 彭逸凡*,劉家男,2009,「98年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十八年十二月,報告編號SWCB-98-101。
4. 彭逸凡*,劉家男,2008,「97年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十七年十二月,報告編號SWCB-97-114。
5. 劉家男,彭逸凡,2007,「96年土石流自主防災社區推動與輔導」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十六年十二月,報告編號SWCB-96-123。
6. 劉家男,彭逸凡,2006,「土石流自主防災社區推動及考評機制研擬」,行政院農業委員會水土保持局委託專業服務成果報告,中華民國九十五年十二月,報告編號SWCB-95-077。