
Low Cycle Fatigue of Steel Structures, Computation Methods for Fatigue Mechanics
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- 1985 成功大學土木系/學士
- 1987 成功大學工程科學系/碩士
- 1994 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校土木系/博士
2001.2-2004.1 致遠管理學院助理教授
2008.8-2010.7 暨南大學助理教授
2010.8-現今 暨南大學副教授
2019.8-現今 暨南大學教授
- 工程數學 (上)(下)
- 機率與統計
- 土木工程設計與實作
- 地震與建築
- 奧秘宇宙
- Low Cycle Fatigue of Steel Structures
- Computation Methods for Fatigue Mechanics
- Hou, C.-Y., “Computer Simulation of Weld Toe Stress Concentration Factor Sequence for Fatigue Analysis”, accepted by International Journal of Structural Integrity. (EI, ESCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., Lee Y.-F. , Peng, Y.-H., “Fatigue Damage Analysis of Steel Components Subjected to Earthquake Loadings”, International Journal of Structural Integrity, Vol. 10, pp. 25-40, 2019. (EI, ESCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., “Plasticity-Induced Crack Closure from Surface to Deep Interior Locations – A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Study”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 195, pp. 186–199, 2018. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., “Various Remeshing Arrangements for Two-Dimensional Finite Element Crack Closure Analysis”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 170, pp. 59–76, 2017. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., “Development of a Varying Mesh Scheme for Finite Element Crack Closure Analysis”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 148, pp. 42–59, 2015. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., "Behavior Explanation and a New Model for Nonlinear Viscous Fluid Dampers with a Simple Annular Orifice", Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 82, pp. 1-12, 2012.
- Hou, C.-Y., "Simulation of Surface Crack Shape Evolution Using the Finite Element Technique and Considering the Crack Closure Effects", International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 33, pp. 719-726, 2011.
- Hou, C.-Y., "Simultaneous Simulation of Closure Behavior and Shape Development of Fatigue Surface Cracks", International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 30, pp.1039-1046, 2008.
- Hou, C.-Y., "Fluid Dynamics and Behavior of Nonlinear Viscous Fluid Dampers", Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 134, pp. 56-63, 2008. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-H., Lee, Y.-F, Chen, H.-Y., and Lee J.-D., "Shear-Thinning Effects in Annular-Orifice Viscous Fluid Dampers", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 275-287, 2007. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., "Fatigue Analysis of Welded Joints with the Aid of Real Three-Dimensional Weld Toe Geometry", International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 772-785, 2007. (EI,SCI)
- 李永峰,侯建元,徐德修,「足尺寸液流阻尼器特性之認證測試及應用設計」, 結構工程, 第二十一卷, 第三期, 第116-128頁, 民國九十五年。
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-S., and Chen, H.-Y., 'Experimental Verification of the Restoring-Stiffness Concept Used in Fluid Dampers for Seismic Energy Dissipation', The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Vol. 14, pp. 1-13, 2005. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., "Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure Behavior in Surface Flaws", International Journal Fatigue, Vol. 26, pp. 1225-1239, 2004. (EI, SCI)
- 徐德修,李永峰,王冠凱,侯建元,「液流阻尼器減振實體測試之研究」, 結構工程, 第十九卷, 第三期, 第43-45頁, 民國九十三年。
- 徐德修,李永峰,李俊德,侯建元,「錘撞試驗在液流阻尼器特性測試之應用」,中國土木水利工程學刊 , 第十六卷, 第三期, 第477-485頁, 民國九十三年。
- Hsu, D.-S., Hou, C.-Y., Yeh, M.-C., and Yeh, C.-S., 'A Mechanical-Type, Decision-Making Device for Structural Control', Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 669-677, 2002. (EI, SCI)
- 徐德修,侯建元,李永峰,周尚儀,「液流阻尼器高頻特性之研究」, 結構工程, 第十五卷, 第三期, 第3-19頁, 民國八十九年。
- Hou, C.-Y. and Charng, J.-J., 'Estimation of Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in a Residual Stress Field Using the Modified Strip-Yield Model', ASTM STP 1332 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, pp. 516-534, 1999. (EI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Charng, J.-J., 'Models for the Estimation of Weldment Fatigue Crack Initiation Life', International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 19, pp. 537-541, 1997. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Charng, J.-J., 'Estimation of Plasticity-Induced Crack Closure in a Pre-Existing Plastic Zone', International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 18, 1996, pp. 463-474. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'Crack Closure in Weldments', Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 16, 1996, pp. 683-693. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'A Crack Closure Model for the Fatigue Behavior of Notched Components', Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive Techniques, ASTM STP 1292, 1996, pp. 116-135. (EI)
- Stambaugh, K. A., Lesson, D. H., Lawrence, F.V., Hou, C.-Y., Banas, G, 'Reduction of S-N Curves for Ship Structural Details', Welding Research Council Bulletin, n 398, 1995, pp. 2-73. (EI)
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-H., Lee, Y.-F., and Chen, H.-Y., "Mechanisms to Cause the Nonlinear Behavior of Fluid Dampers", The 7th Conference on Structural Engineering, DaShi, 2004.
- Hsu, D.-S., Lee, Y.-F., Wang, G.-K., Hou, C.-Y., "Shaking Table Test of Full Scale Structure Controlled with Fluid Dampers", The Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Bali, Indonesia, pp. VID1-VID7, 2003.
- 徐德修, 李永峰, 李俊德, 侯建元,「錘撞試驗在液流阻尼器之特性測試」, 中華民國第二十七屆全國力學會議, 台南, 第540-547頁, 2003。
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-S., and Chen, H.-Y., "Restoring-Stiffness Behavior of Viscous Fluid Damper for Seismic Energy Dissipation in Engineering Structures", The 6th National Conference on Structural Engineering, Kenting, Taiwan, Paper No. M46, 2002.
- Deh-Shiu Hsu, Chien-Yuan Hou, Yung-Feng Lee, Shang-Yi Chou, and Sy-Yuan Lu, "Development of High Performance Fluid Damper", The Eighth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Singapore, paper no. 1026, 2001.
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'Computer Simulation of Weldment Fatigue Life', Proceedings Building to Last Proceedings of the 1997 15th ASCE Structures Congress, Part 2 (of 2), 1997, pp. 1255-1259. (EI)
- Hsu, D.-S., Hou, C.-Y., Chen J.-L. and Yeh, C.-S., 'High Pressure Servo-Mechanism Structural Control System', 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1996, Aculpoco, paper no. 259.
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'A Model for Weldment Fatigue Based on Crack-Closure Concepts', Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 1993, Glasgow, pp. 513-528. (EI)
- 1. 侯建元, 徐德修,「土木建築結構之強效式液流阻尼器(三)」,中華民國專利發明,審查通過,公告編號561216。
- 2. 侯建元, 徐德修,「土木建築結構之強效式液流阻尼器(二)追加(一)」,中華民國專利發明第131186號,民國九十年。
- 3. 侯建元, 徐德修,「土木建築結構之強效式液流阻尼器(二)」,中華民國專利發明第131186號,民國九十年。
- 4. 徐德修, 侯建元,「應用於土木建築結構之液流阻尼器」,中華民國專利發明第102457號,民國八十八年。
- 1.疲勞裂紋閉合效應的次表面現象--以有限元素法分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,110-2221-E-260 -009 -
- 2.曲線裂紋閉合效應的有限元素分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,109-2221-E-260 -004 -
- 3.三維有限元素裂紋閉合分析平行化程式的研發,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,105-2918-I-260 -002 -
- 4.高計算效率的有限元素裂紋閉合計算程序,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,104-2221-E-260 -021 -
- 5.有限元素裂紋閉合分析之移動網格技術的改進,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,103-2221-E-260 -019 -
- 6.含裂紋鋼構件行為之有限元素彈塑性分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,102-2221-E-260 -023 -
- 7.有限元素裂紋閉合分析的新計算程序,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,101-2221-E-260 -026 -
- 8.加勁阻尼器的疲勞分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,99-2221-E-260 -026 -
- 9.「非線性黏滯性液體阻尼器的數學模型」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC97-2221-E-260-032
- 10.「三維表面疲勞裂紋之裂紋閉合與形狀演變之模擬」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC96-2221-E-434-007,96.8.1-97.7.31。
- 11「結構消能用液體阻尼器的之流體動力分析」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC93-2211-E-434-008,93.8.1-94.7.31。
- 12.「焊接構件之疲勞裂紋萌生位址」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC92-2211-E-434-008,92.8.1-93.7.31。
- 13.「防災重要建築物之耐震對策(III) - 子計畫七:結構液流阻尼器在重要公共建築物之耐震應用設計」國科會專題研究案,共同主持人,NSC91-2211-E-434-082,91.8.1-92.7.31。
- 14.「防災重要建築物之耐震對策(II) - 子計畫八:結構液流阻尼器在重要公共建築物之耐震應用設計」國科會專題研究案,共同主持人,NSC90-2211-E-434-071,90.8.1-91.7.31。
- 「載荷100噸級液流阻尼器特性試驗及技術推廣之預備工作」,中興工程顧問社委託專案研究計畫,ST-6195,共同主持人,92.6.1-93.5.31。
- 1985 成功大學土木系/學士
- 1987 成功大學工程科學系/碩士
- 1994 美國伊利諾大學香檳分校土木系/博士
2001.2-2004.1 致遠管理學院助理教授
2008.8-2010.7 暨南大學助理教授
2010.8-現今 暨南大學副教授
2019.8-現今 暨南大學教授
- 工程數學 (上)(下)
- 機率與統計
- 土木工程設計與實作
- 地震與建築
- 奧秘宇宙
- Low Cycle Fatigue of Steel Structures
- Computation Methods for Fatigue Mechanics
- Hou, C.-Y., “Computer Simulation of Weld Toe Stress Concentration Factor Sequence for Fatigue Analysis”, accepted by International Journal of Structural Integrity. (EI, ESCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., Lee Y.-F. , Peng, Y.-H., “Fatigue Damage Analysis of Steel Components Subjected to Earthquake Loadings”, International Journal of Structural Integrity, Vol. 10, pp. 25-40, 2019. (EI, ESCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., “Plasticity-Induced Crack Closure from Surface to Deep Interior Locations – A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Study”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 195, pp. 186–199, 2018. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., “Various Remeshing Arrangements for Two-Dimensional Finite Element Crack Closure Analysis”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 170, pp. 59–76, 2017. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., “Development of a Varying Mesh Scheme for Finite Element Crack Closure Analysis”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 148, pp. 42–59, 2015. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., "Behavior Explanation and a New Model for Nonlinear Viscous Fluid Dampers with a Simple Annular Orifice", Archive of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 82, pp. 1-12, 2012.
- Hou, C.-Y., "Simulation of Surface Crack Shape Evolution Using the Finite Element Technique and Considering the Crack Closure Effects", International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 33, pp. 719-726, 2011.
- Hou, C.-Y., "Simultaneous Simulation of Closure Behavior and Shape Development of Fatigue Surface Cracks", International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 30, pp.1039-1046, 2008.
- Hou, C.-Y., "Fluid Dynamics and Behavior of Nonlinear Viscous Fluid Dampers", Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 134, pp. 56-63, 2008. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-H., Lee, Y.-F, Chen, H.-Y., and Lee J.-D., "Shear-Thinning Effects in Annular-Orifice Viscous Fluid Dampers", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 275-287, 2007. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., "Fatigue Analysis of Welded Joints with the Aid of Real Three-Dimensional Weld Toe Geometry", International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 772-785, 2007. (EI,SCI)
- 李永峰,侯建元,徐德修,「足尺寸液流阻尼器特性之認證測試及應用設計」, 結構工程, 第二十一卷, 第三期, 第116-128頁, 民國九十五年。
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-S., and Chen, H.-Y., 'Experimental Verification of the Restoring-Stiffness Concept Used in Fluid Dampers for Seismic Energy Dissipation', The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Vol. 14, pp. 1-13, 2005. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y., "Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Fatigue Crack Closure Behavior in Surface Flaws", International Journal Fatigue, Vol. 26, pp. 1225-1239, 2004. (EI, SCI)
- 徐德修,李永峰,王冠凱,侯建元,「液流阻尼器減振實體測試之研究」, 結構工程, 第十九卷, 第三期, 第43-45頁, 民國九十三年。
- 徐德修,李永峰,李俊德,侯建元,「錘撞試驗在液流阻尼器特性測試之應用」,中國土木水利工程學刊 , 第十六卷, 第三期, 第477-485頁, 民國九十三年。
- Hsu, D.-S., Hou, C.-Y., Yeh, M.-C., and Yeh, C.-S., 'A Mechanical-Type, Decision-Making Device for Structural Control', Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 669-677, 2002. (EI, SCI)
- 徐德修,侯建元,李永峰,周尚儀,「液流阻尼器高頻特性之研究」, 結構工程, 第十五卷, 第三期, 第3-19頁, 民國八十九年。
- Hou, C.-Y. and Charng, J.-J., 'Estimation of Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior in a Residual Stress Field Using the Modified Strip-Yield Model', ASTM STP 1332 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics, pp. 516-534, 1999. (EI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Charng, J.-J., 'Models for the Estimation of Weldment Fatigue Crack Initiation Life', International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 19, pp. 537-541, 1997. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Charng, J.-J., 'Estimation of Plasticity-Induced Crack Closure in a Pre-Existing Plastic Zone', International Journal of Fatigue, Vol. 18, 1996, pp. 463-474. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'Crack Closure in Weldments', Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Vol. 16, 1996, pp. 683-693. (EI, SCI)
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'A Crack Closure Model for the Fatigue Behavior of Notched Components', Advances in Fatigue Lifetime Predictive Techniques, ASTM STP 1292, 1996, pp. 116-135. (EI)
- Stambaugh, K. A., Lesson, D. H., Lawrence, F.V., Hou, C.-Y., Banas, G, 'Reduction of S-N Curves for Ship Structural Details', Welding Research Council Bulletin, n 398, 1995, pp. 2-73. (EI)
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-H., Lee, Y.-F., and Chen, H.-Y., "Mechanisms to Cause the Nonlinear Behavior of Fluid Dampers", The 7th Conference on Structural Engineering, DaShi, 2004.
- Hsu, D.-S., Lee, Y.-F., Wang, G.-K., Hou, C.-Y., "Shaking Table Test of Full Scale Structure Controlled with Fluid Dampers", The Ninth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Bali, Indonesia, pp. VID1-VID7, 2003.
- 徐德修, 李永峰, 李俊德, 侯建元,「錘撞試驗在液流阻尼器之特性測試」, 中華民國第二十七屆全國力學會議, 台南, 第540-547頁, 2003。
- Hou, C.-Y., Hsu, D.-S., and Chen, H.-Y., "Restoring-Stiffness Behavior of Viscous Fluid Damper for Seismic Energy Dissipation in Engineering Structures", The 6th National Conference on Structural Engineering, Kenting, Taiwan, Paper No. M46, 2002.
- Deh-Shiu Hsu, Chien-Yuan Hou, Yung-Feng Lee, Shang-Yi Chou, and Sy-Yuan Lu, "Development of High Performance Fluid Damper", The Eighth East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, Singapore, paper no. 1026, 2001.
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'Computer Simulation of Weldment Fatigue Life', Proceedings Building to Last Proceedings of the 1997 15th ASCE Structures Congress, Part 2 (of 2), 1997, pp. 1255-1259. (EI)
- Hsu, D.-S., Hou, C.-Y., Chen J.-L. and Yeh, C.-S., 'High Pressure Servo-Mechanism Structural Control System', 11th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1996, Aculpoco, paper no. 259.
- Hou, C.-Y. and Lawrence, F. V., 'A Model for Weldment Fatigue Based on Crack-Closure Concepts', Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 1993, Glasgow, pp. 513-528. (EI)
- 1. 侯建元, 徐德修,「土木建築結構之強效式液流阻尼器(三)」,中華民國專利發明,審查通過,公告編號561216。
- 2. 侯建元, 徐德修,「土木建築結構之強效式液流阻尼器(二)追加(一)」,中華民國專利發明第131186號,民國九十年。
- 3. 侯建元, 徐德修,「土木建築結構之強效式液流阻尼器(二)」,中華民國專利發明第131186號,民國九十年。
- 4. 徐德修, 侯建元,「應用於土木建築結構之液流阻尼器」,中華民國專利發明第102457號,民國八十八年。
- 1.疲勞裂紋閉合效應的次表面現象--以有限元素法分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,110-2221-E-260 -009 -
- 2.曲線裂紋閉合效應的有限元素分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,109-2221-E-260 -004 -
- 3.三維有限元素裂紋閉合分析平行化程式的研發,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,105-2918-I-260 -002 -
- 4.高計算效率的有限元素裂紋閉合計算程序,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,104-2221-E-260 -021 -
- 5.有限元素裂紋閉合分析之移動網格技術的改進,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,103-2221-E-260 -019 -
- 6.含裂紋鋼構件行為之有限元素彈塑性分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,102-2221-E-260 -023 -
- 7.有限元素裂紋閉合分析的新計算程序,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,101-2221-E-260 -026 -
- 8.加勁阻尼器的疲勞分析,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,99-2221-E-260 -026 -
- 9.「非線性黏滯性液體阻尼器的數學模型」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC97-2221-E-260-032
- 10.「三維表面疲勞裂紋之裂紋閉合與形狀演變之模擬」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC96-2221-E-434-007,96.8.1-97.7.31。
- 11「結構消能用液體阻尼器的之流體動力分析」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC93-2211-E-434-008,93.8.1-94.7.31。
- 12.「焊接構件之疲勞裂紋萌生位址」,國科會專題研究案,計畫主持人,NSC92-2211-E-434-008,92.8.1-93.7.31。
- 13.「防災重要建築物之耐震對策(III) - 子計畫七:結構液流阻尼器在重要公共建築物之耐震應用設計」國科會專題研究案,共同主持人,NSC91-2211-E-434-082,91.8.1-92.7.31。
- 14.「防災重要建築物之耐震對策(II) - 子計畫八:結構液流阻尼器在重要公共建築物之耐震應用設計」國科會專題研究案,共同主持人,NSC90-2211-E-434-071,90.8.1-91.7.31。
- 「載荷100噸級液流阻尼器特性試驗及技術推廣之預備工作」,中興工程顧問社委託專案研究計畫,ST-6195,共同主持人,92.6.1-93.5.31。